reactjs / react-docgen

A CLI and library to extract information from React component files for documentation generation purposes.
MIT License
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AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: did not recognize object of type "File" #497

Open romanlex opened 3 years ago

romanlex commented 3 years ago

I have multiple errors with same types when trying build docs with styleguidist


Production mode doesn't work, development mode work properly. Use react 17 with new jsx transform.

Source from production build image

Browser error bundle.41681933.js:formatted:33543 Uncaught TypeError: Object(...) is not a function

Main app with same config (webpack+babel) work properly in dev and prod mode

danez commented 3 years ago

Can you please provide an example of a component, which shows this behavior?

anurag-zumen commented 3 years ago

I am Also Facing the Same Issue

anurag-zumen commented 3 years ago
import Select from 'react-select';
import React from 'react';
import * as R from 'ramda';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { checkForDisabled } from './utils';

const renderTitle = (schema) => (
  <div className="listhed flex align-center justify-space-between">
    <h5 className="fs-12">{R.pathOr('', ['title'], schema)}</h5>

const renderSelect = (row, data, onRowChange) => (
    className="w-220 custom_select singleselect selt-drosrch"
    value={data[R.pathOr('', ['id'], row)]}
    getOptionValue={(option) => option.label}
    onChange={(e) => onRowChange(e, R.pathOr('', ['id'], row))}
    options={R.pathOr([], ['options'], row)}
    defaultValue={R.pathOr('', ['defaultValue'], row)}
    placeholder={R.pathOr('', ['placeholder'], row)}

const renderFields = (row, data, onRowChange) => {
  switch (R.pathOr('', ['type'], row)) {
    case 'select': return renderSelect(row, data, onRowChange);
    default: return null;

const renderBody = (schema, data, onRowChange) => R.pathOr([], ['rows'], schema).map((row) => (
  <div className="flex justify-space-between margn m-b-10" key={}>
      {R.pathOr('', ['name'], row)}
                R.pathOr(false, ['isRequired'], row)
                && <span className="p-l-5 required">*</span>
    {renderFields(row, data, onRowChange)}

const renderButton = (schema, data, onClick) => (
    className="m-t-10 bluebtnn btn"
    onClick={() => onClick()}
    disabled={checkForDisabled(schema, data)}
    {R.pathOr('', ['button', 'title'], schema)}

const CustomFilterModal = ({
  schema, onRowChange, onButtonClick, data,
}) => (
  <div className="selct-listt productdata_wrap">
    <div className="bodylistt m-t-20 m-b-20">
      {renderBody(schema, data || {}, onRowChange)}
    <div className="flex justify-flex-end p-r-15 m-b-10 m-t-20 b-top border-light">
      {renderButton(schema, data || {}, onButtonClick)}

CustomFilterModal.propTypes = {
  schema: PropTypes.shape({
    title: PropTypes.string,
    rows: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
      id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
      name: PropTypes.string,
      type: PropTypes.string,
      options: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
        name: PropTypes.string,
        label: PropTypes.string,
        value: PropTypes.string,
      defaultValue: PropTypes.string,
      placeholder: PropTypes.string,
      isRequired: PropTypes.bool,
    button: PropTypes.shape({
      title: PropTypes.string,
  onRowChange: PropTypes.func,
  onButtonClick: PropTypes.func,
  data: PropTypes.object,

CustomFilterModal.defaultProps = {
  data: {},
  schema: {},
  onButtonClick: () => {},
  onRowChange: () => {},

export default CustomFilterModal;
HariAbinesh commented 3 years ago

Hi, the issue is due to styleguidist resolver. so i included,

propsParser (filePath, source, resolver, handlers) { const reactDocgen = require('react-docgen'); return reactDocgen.parse(source, reactDocgen.resolver.findAllComponentDefinitions, handlers); } in my styleguide.config.js and it worked.

aleksan4eg commented 2 years ago

For me helped not propsParser as @HariAbinesh mentioned, but resolver.

Just include in styleguide.config.js:

resolver: require("react-docgen").resolver.findAllComponentDefinitions,