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Question: Unable to access the updated state in requestAnimationFrame's call back function. #4868

Closed ayushbisht2001 closed 2 years ago

ayushbisht2001 commented 2 years ago

Hey, team React! can you please help me?

I'm currently working on a project in which I am trying to animate a box, based on the virtual-scroll deltaY parameters. But the problem is that the state which holds the deltaY parameters doesn't reflect the changes when accessing the value at the callback function. I'm using requestAnimationFrame for throttling the scroll events and animating the box with gsap's Tweenlite.

Any workaround for doing this stuff, is also helpful, Thanks.

  function handleScroll(event){

    let targetModifier = event.deltaY

    SetTargetPos( (prev) => ( { 
      targetPosY : prev.targetPosY + targetModifier,
      oldDeltaY : event.deltaY 



 function wheelLoop(time){

    let newSlideTransformTemp = target_pos.slideTransform + (target_pos.targetPosY - target_pos.slideTransform) * .09

    newSlideTransformTemp =  getRoundedValue(newSlideTransformTemp)

    setNewSlideTransform( () => newSlideTransformTemp)

    animateFrame.current = requestAnimationFrame(wheelLoop)


  useEffect(() => {

    const slideLimit = 165
    console.log("gsap update"), {y: target_pos.slideTransform, force3D: true})

    if(target_pos.slideTransform <= -slideLimit ){

    else if (target_pos.slideTransform >= slideLimit){


      animateFrame.current = requestAnimationFrame(wheelLoop)


  }, [newSlideTransform])

  useEffect(() => {

    let vs = new VirtualScroll({
      el: ref.current,
      mouseMultiplier: 0.4,
      keyStep: 400,



    return () => {

  }, []);
eps1lon commented 2 years ago

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ayushbisht2001 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @eps1lon