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[Framework]: Refine #6934

Open omeraplak opened 3 weeks ago

omeraplak commented 3 weeks ago




Install instructions

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Well maintained

Refine has been actively and continuously maintained since its launch in 2021. The project is backed by well-funded company Refine Development Inc (YC S23), with a core team of 8 people working full-time on Refine. Apart from the core team, there are 230 open-source contributors.

Going through 1,470 releases in total, Refine has reached its current fourth major version and as of this year, Refine has transitioned to a monthly release cycle.

For seamless migration between major releases, Refine implements codemod migrations:

Below you’ll find some examples of PR’s showcasing various improvements and new features:

Typescript@5 update – PR: // issue: Vite@5 upgrade – PR: // issue: Next.js@14 update – PR: // issue:

Active community

Reaching over 25K GitHub stars as of June 2024, Refine has a highly active community of over 60,000 members. Refine maintains an extensive set of community resources including an active Discord over 5k members:

Documentation : Interactive Tutorials: Example Projects: GitHub Repo: Discord Server:

Clear onboarding

A new Refine project can be bootstrapped by executing a single npm command as demonstrated in the Quick Start Guide:

npm create refine-app@latest

Developers will be led through various setup options by the wizard-like CLI tool.

Alternatively, Refine also offer a browser-based scaffolder accessible from landing page. Using this GUI, users can instantly create and preview their projects.

Ecosystem compatibility

Refine has no limitations within the React ecosystem. In contrast, Refine's headless, plug-in-based architecture promotes developers to build with a diverse set of ecosystem components including React engines, UI frameworks, routers, and backend services.

Self-hosting option

Refine projects can be deployed to any environment capable of running React. We exclusively offer the self-hosting option and do not require any cloud or hosting dependencies from our side.

Developer Experience

Supporting all native React features out-of-the-box, Refine also implements an extensive set of features directly targeting developer experience:

User Experience

Refine is a meta-framework for CRUD-heavy web applications. It addresses a wide range of enterprise use cases including internal tools, admin panels, dashboards and B2B apps.

Refine is designed to work on Next.js, Vite, React Native, Electron, or Remix as per the developer's selection. Developers have access to any features provided by the underlying React engine.

Compatible with our future vision for React

We're keeping our framework aligned with the latest features and releases as much as possible. To avoid any disruptive changes, we're carefully stepping toward new features as they get adopted by the community. We're not only following the features of React but also working on ways to implement them in ways to make them easier to adopt for the React community.