Added a bumpVersionsInReadme task that needs to be explicitly
executed with oldVersion, currentVersion and nextVersion properties
For Artifactory, we declare an explicit credentials block using
alternate properties like artifactory_publish_xxx, that can be set via
an env var of the form ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_artifactory_publish_xxx.
We give the build info a meaningful name and id and ensure we don't
publish environment variables.
[build] Fix Bamboo publications by removing onlyIf clause
Complements the partial backport done in 9b7b6b8 with other changes to the build (Gradle version, switching to maven-publish, artifactory)
Cherry-pick of 04fd411, 39d991a, 6483214, cf3056f, 65124c8, 0dbfeba and 35e0ae7.
[build] Bump/polish Gradle, add maven-publish and artifactory (#115)
from inside configure(allProjects)maven-publish
printing task[build] Add releaser.gradle with groupId helper task (#115)
[build] Ensure is reactor-rabbitmq
Conditionnally add mavenLocal when releaser script is applied (#117) This is only activated when passing a non-false -PreleaserDryRun to Gradle.
fix #119 Ensure docsZip defines a -docs classifier
[build] Add bumpVersionsInReadme, better Artifactory creds, buildId
[build] Fix Bamboo publications by removing onlyIf clause