readbeyond / aeneas

aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
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Bug in FFT windowing #286

Open tom-huntington opened 2 years ago

tom-huntington commented 2 years ago

You windowing for the fft when calculating the mfccs is incorrect, which will reduce performance a little (dtw seems very robust). The default runtime configuration results in frame_length = 1600 which is greater than fft_order = 512. However, this results in the last frame_length - fft_order = 1088 elements being chopped off the hamming window. You actual window is only the first third of the hamming window, which is a very bad choice of window. besides the point, this should be

self.hamming_window = numpy.hamming(frame_length) 

Your padding is appended only after you do the windowing

Same with the c code.

tom-huntington commented 2 years ago

It's hard to say what to change, for accuracy I imagine you would want keep the window_length the same so this requires a higher fft order, however for speed you would want to keep the fft_order down which I imagine is how this incorrectness came about.

I think the best solution is to do away with the windowing all together i.e. use the rectangular window as it's the widest