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Build: implement `` and `` #11551

Open humitos opened 3 months ago

humitos commented 3 months ago

We've been discussing multiple times a way to override pre-defined jobs. It seems we have reached a good timeframe where we can prioritize this work now that we are enabling addons by default on October 7th.

I propose to start with and so people can start using any package manager they want: Poetry, uv, pixi, pdm, etc.

Usage example for uv

    create_environment:  # uv doesn't need to create an environment first
      - uv pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Important things to consider

Related issues

ddelange commented 2 months ago

does anything speak against always creating and running from a venv? so the is not needed? if someone wants to do custom stuff with or without that venv, they could accomplish so by adding more commands in right?

ddelange commented 2 months ago
  • How to run commands installed via a Python package? e.g. after running uv pip install sphinx, how do we run sphinx-build? is it going to be in the path already?
  • How each of the mentioned package manager would work with this new approach?

you could consider always 'activating' the venv docker-style:

# this env var is exported when you activate a venv
ENV VIRTUAL_ENV="/usr/share/python3/app"
# this PATH prepend is performed when you activate a venv
# create the venv, it's already activated by the commands above
RUN python3.12 -m venv ${VIRTUAL_ENV}

# that's it. and now (illustrative) your and onwards

# pip points at /usr/share/python3/app/bin/pip which installs stuff to the venv
RUN pip install uv
# uv points at /usr/share/python3/app/bin/uv which installs stuff to the venv
RUN uv pip install -r docs.txt
# sphinx-build points at /usr/share/python3/app/bin/sphinx-build
RUN sphinx-build ...
ddelange commented 2 months ago

aha I see there is already a $READTHEDOCS_VIRTUALENV_PATH used by default, but it doesn't look properly activated and usable like in my previous comment:



stsewd commented 2 months ago

So, if a user overrides the create_environment step, all other commands won't work, as they depend on the READTHEDOCS_VIRTUALENV_PATH/CONDA_ENVS_PATH paths having an environment created there.

If we ask users to override all other steps if create_enviroment is overridden, not sure if there is a difference in just letting users run any commands (as build.commands does).

We could ask users to always create an environment on those paths, but then we will likely need to provide examples for each tool on how to create an environment on a given path (if they support this easily), and/or maybe having them call the commands like this example

And all that is for Python based projects, I see that is also linked, users will need to override all steps when using a different tool like node, and it will also be weird for those projects having to have a sphinx or mkdocs key as our config file expects now, when they will be likely using another tool.

Do we still want to go in this direction? Looks like we still have some things to decide

humitos commented 2 months ago

if a user overrides the create_environment step, all other commands won't work, as they depend on the READTHEDOCS_VIRTUALENV_PATH/CONDA_ENVS_PATH paths having an environment created there.

I think that's the compromise/contract the user assumes when overriding these jobs, and that's fine to me for now.

On the other hand, I think we can explore a different approach here as a kind of replacement of the build.commands which is what we are looking forward in the end: allow users to have full control of the build, but in a more structured way that allow us to install APT packages in a secure way, and also make decision based on those commands (eg. won't be run on previews)

version: 2

  os: ubuntu-24.04
    python: latest
    - tree

      - pip install requirements.txt
        - sphinx-build -j auto -E -b html docs/ $READTHEDOCS_OUTPUT/html

Note that I'm not defining mkdocs: nor sphinx: configs here, meaning that there won't be any pre-defined executed by default^1; giving users a generic builder with full control; but also giving us a structured builder to know what's going on.

ericholscher commented 1 month ago

I think both of the these approaches make sense, but I generally think it's fine if folks break their build overriding stuff as Manuel said. I'm not 100% sure about a generic builder, but it does seem like a nice option for folks who want a bit more structure. I think this is what @agjohnson has been advocating for instead of build.commands for a while.

agjohnson commented 1 month ago

Yeah, overall build.commands could really be a minimal like this. I think it makes for better UX than two competing implementations. But, I'd be happy pointing in that direction, no need to get there immediately. It's good that build.commands exists, but requiring the user does everything is a worse user experience for non-expert users, so I do worry about pointing users there without a strong need.

I most interested in* and is a good place to start too. create_environment does have some hangups, but I agree that's fine if users break their own builds doing something special.

stsewd commented 1 month ago

I guess the question is what we want to achieve with this:

Allow users to use another package manager

This won't be easy to do for users, since all of our commands expect a virtual env to be created in a specific path. And uv for example has a proper interface to run commands (is there a way to even run those commands without using uv?). Other package managers don't even create a Python virtual env (node).

We install some additional "core" deps using pip python -m pip ..., which doesn't make sense if users are using another package manager. I guess we could ignore this step, and users will be responsible for installing sphinx/mkdocs. But..

We run the sphinx/mkdocs commands using python -m sphinx .../python -m mkdocs, which again, it may not work out of the box if another package manager is used (and should be a Python package manager, so no npm tools).

Allow users to do custom things but still be able to install apt-packages

I guess this depends on the first point, if there is a lot of friction for users to change the package manager, this won't matter much.

Commands run in a structured manner

Not sure if I understand why this is relevant for us, at the end we care only about the output docs, the process that was followed to generate those aren't relevant for the final output.

Other use cases?


My conclusion is that if we add support for this, in the current state, users will need to do a lot of work and workarounds in order to use their tools, and they will be using these tools in a special manner, not like they were designed to (like to run a command using uv run).

Using build.commands is just more explicit for me, users use their tools as they will normally use them locally, no new workarounds to learn, only output their docs in the given directories. The only problem is that they can't install apt-packages, but that's something we can solve there without having to implement a new feature (just allow sudo, or just install the listed apt-packages).

It's good that build.commands exists, but requiring the user does everything is a worse user experience for non-expert users, so I do worry about pointing users there without a strong need.

Overriding the environment creation and installation step for me is still for advanced users, as mentioned, they won't be using this tools like they are used to.

If we still want to go with this direction, there are some things we need to decide, and documentation to write for the workarounds needed for the tools we want to support.

humitos commented 1 month ago

Not sure if I understand why this is relevant for us, at the end we care only about the output docs, the process that was followed to generate those aren't relevant for the final output.

The more structure we have, the better for the platform. As an example, we don't want to run the PDF build on PR builder to speed up the preview. Eventually, this could also be configurable from the Admin -- that will be possible if we have a structured build.

I see the proposal we discussed useful for these different use cases:

In my opinion, the proposed solution covers all the use cases you described but adding structure to the build process, which as I mentioned, it has some current benefits but also leaves the door open to potential features in the future.

humitos commented 1 month ago

My conclusion is that if we add support for this, in the current state, users will need to do a lot of work and workarounds in order to use their tools, and they will be using these tools in a special manner, not like they were designed to (like to run a command using uv run).

I don't agree with this. Users wanting to use uv would do it by running the standard and default uv commands:

      - curl -LsSf | sh
      - uv python install 3.12    # not needed if ` 3.12` is declared
      - uv pip install -r requirements.txt
        - uv run sphinx -b html ...
      pdf:   # won't be ran on PR builds
        - uv run sphinx -b pdf ...

Using build.commands is just more explicit for me, users use their tools as they will normally use them locally, no new workarounds to learn, only output their docs in the given directories. The only problem is that they can't install apt-packages, but that's something we can solve there without having to implement a new feature (just allow sudo, or just install the listed apt-packages).

I want to eventually migrate off the build process from the application and give users the ability to do whatever they want and having root access; but we are not there yet. Even if we were close to that, it still won't be a replacement of the structured build process that gives us.

stsewd commented 1 month ago

I don't agree with this. Users wanting to use uv would do it by running the standard and default uv commands:

In your example, you are also overriding the build steps, which is not mentioned in this initial implementation.

In case we want to also implement the customization of the build, there are some other questions, like what to do with the formats option of the config file.

humitos commented 1 month ago

In your example, you are also overriding the build steps, which is not mentioned in this initial implementation.

That is what we expect to implement immediately after we implement and We discussed this in the original issue:

Implementing first .create_environment and .install was a way to split the work into digestible amount of work.

agjohnson commented 1 month ago

I'll echo what @humitos is pointing out here as well, I think we're on the same page here. This pattern might have been more obvious starting with perhaps.

The main goal is to provide more touch points on so that users don't need to needlessly redefine the whole build process just to use another build tool or use install step like uv.

I'd go one step further and say there might be a future where even build.commands is not necessary, but this can be a side effect and it's not the main goal.

stsewd commented 1 month ago

This pattern might have been more obvious starting with perhaps.

Indeed. It feels like there are still bits to decide around how this integrates with the existing config options. I think we may need a design doc here, or a more specif details about how this feature integrates with the existing config.

ericholscher commented 1 month ago

On our call today, we discussed moving forward here. It sounds like the validation might be complex, and we will need to figure out exactly what that looks like. If it's easy, we're going to support a generic builder (no sphinx or mkdocs key), along with overriding the build steps on sphinx & mkdocs builds. In general, it sounds like we want to be permissive with the generic builder (allow with no other build steps, and a build image: and so hopefully that will simplify some of the validation logic.

Another big question is what to do with formats if you override, for example. We want to support a override that outputs $READTHEDOCS_OUTPUT/pdf/foo.pdf, so there are a few ways to specify "I want to host a PDF" that we need to resolve how they all play together.