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8.02k stars 3.58k forks source link banned in Russia (RKN) #8966

Closed resource-not-found-blank closed 8 months ago

resource-not-found-blank commented 2 years ago

Hello. Site (domain) is blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation. Check in this page: 890D5D85-C410-41BE-854C-64BC44024216

stsewd commented 2 years ago

Hi, do you know which page is blocked? I tested with a VPN, and I'm able to access all the useful parts of From that page, it says the block is "limited to page", but it doesn't say which.

resource-not-found-blank commented 2 years ago

Hi @stsewd Blocked only domain (SSL). All subdomain work (example: Output curl:

curl -vvv ''
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*  CAfile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
*  CApath: none
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* LibreSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to 
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) LibreSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to
stsewd commented 2 years ago

Is this specific to a region? I'm able to access from a VPN located at Saint Petersburg

resource-not-found-blank commented 2 years ago

There are many home internet service providers in Russia. Blocking access only for Internet users. VPN and VPS services do not block traffic at the request of Roskomnadzor. Site allowed only over VPN.

resource-not-found-blank commented 2 years ago

@stsewd you can check availability via or

humitos commented 2 years ago

Is there anything we can do from Read the Docs to revert the block?

skirpichev commented 2 years ago

@humitos, you should have been received a blackmail (or mails) from the Roskomnadzor, like this. Technically, same information must be available from the mentioned above site of court, but you can expect how this works in the Russia... I've found this, so far. If you block for Russia everything they want - you can contact them via to update the registry.

no-response[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response to our request for more information from the original author. With only the information that is currently in the issue, we don't have enough information to take action. Please reach out if you have or find the answers we need so that we can investigate further. Thanks!

stsewd commented 2 years ago

bad bot!

An update, we have blocked access to the project their refer in their document (, but looks like we still need to contact them to lift the block.

mvshvets commented 2 years ago
coder2020official commented 2 years ago

Hello. When will become available in Russia?

ericholscher commented 2 years ago

I have emailed the address mentioned above, but there's not much we can do here but wait...

ri-gilfanov commented 2 years ago

I have different ISPs at home and at work. Right now, ReadTheDocs is available to me through both ISPs. In addition, the search query "" on the Roskomnadzor block list (see link in first comment) does not return any results. I think if someone else confirms the availability of ReadTheDocs, the issue can be considered successfully resolved. (Russia, Tyumen)

skirpichev commented 2 years ago

It does work, I've also checked two ISP (Moscow). In fact, removing from the block list should be enough.

leotsarev commented 2 years ago

It's unblocked now image image

ericholscher commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks for letting us know 👍

0dminnimda commented 1 year ago

It seems to be down again I am unable to acceess any subfolder of readthedocs And the mentioned websites report the same image image

0dminnimda commented 1 year ago

An interesting finding is that, or works ok But for example does not

So subdomains (and built docs) are save, but being able to set them up in the web is broken ...

stsewd commented 1 year ago

@0dminnimda hi, last time we were able to resolve this by deleting a spam project. We got that information from some links provided from But I can't no longer access those, Maybe you can help us find out which project we need to delete in order to lift the block.

0dminnimda commented 1 year ago

I don't really have an idea why only the* would be blocked and not https://<subdomain>*. Maybe it's a mistake to ban all of the subdomains or a bug that does not allow to access*

And AFAIK is just a regional court website so it probably will not contain everything about bans

From what I can see did not update, all references point to 2021/2 and nothing mentions anything othar than

Here's the content:

Сообщение об административном деле № 2-325/2021 — Нукутский районный суд Иркутской области
В производстве Нукутского районного суда находится административное дело по административному исковому заявлению прокурора Нукутского района Иркутской области, действующего в интересах неопределенного круга лиц к Управлению Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций по Иркутской области о признании, распространяемой посредством сети Интернет, запрещенной к распространению на территории Российской Федерации (интернет-ресурс:

Судебное заседание по настоящему делу назначено на 26 января 2022 года на 15:15 часов в Нукутском районном суде по адресу: п.Новонукутский, ул.Ленина, д.34 Нукутского района Иркутской области.

Лица, заинтересованные в исходе дела, вправе представить в Нукутский районный суд по почтовому адресу: п.Новонукутский, ул.Ленина, д.34 Нукутского района Иркутской области, заявление о вступлении в административное дело.
Message about administrative case No. 2-325/2021 — Nukutsky District Court of the Irkutsk Region
The Nukutsky District Court of the Irkutsk Region is handling an administrative case based on the administrative claim filed by the prosecutor of Nukutsky District of the Irkutsk Region, acting on behalf of an unspecified group of individuals, against the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications for the Irkutsk Region, regarding the recognition of content distributed via the Internet as prohibited for distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation (internet resource:

The court session for this case is scheduled for January 26, 2022, at 15:15 in the Nukutsky District Court at the following address: Novonukutsky village, Lenin Street, building 34, Nukutsky District, Irkutsk Region.

Individuals interested in the outcome of the case have the right to submit a statement of participation in the administrative case to the Nukutsky District Court by mail at the following address: Novonukutsky village, Lenin Street, building 34, Nukutsky District, Irkutsk Region.
0dminnimda commented 1 year ago

I checked the as it was used in the header of this issue, and it rendered useful, as now there's another restriction request


We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the presence of a website in the "Internet" Registry does not necessarily mean complete restriction of access to it, as access may be limited to a specific page of the website on the Internet. The method of blocking is reflected in the "Access Restriction" column.

Access Restriction access is limited to the page 15.1 Tver Central District Court - Tver Oblast 2a-1863/2023 06.07.2023

0dminnimda commented 1 year ago contains a list of reasons for a ban, wich includes

Decision of the court on recognizing information distributed through the Internet as information whose distribution is prohibited in the Russian Federation

By that infomation I found a this legal case

0dminnimda commented 1 year ago

And honestly I am really puzzled .. it doesn't mention readthedocs

Дело № 2а-1863/2023 ~ М-1435/2023 (Решение) — Центральный районный суд города Твери
    Дело № 2а-1863/2023

    УИД № 69RS0040-02-2023-003749-07


о прекращении производства по делу в части

6 июля 2023 года                                                                                           г. Тверь

Центральный районный суд г. Твери в составе:

председательствующего судьи Роговой В.В.,

при секретаре Соснине В.В.,

с участием административного истца - помощника прокурора Платоненковой С.Д.,

рассмотрев в открытом судебном заседании административное дело по административному исковому заявлению прокурора Пролетарского района г.Твери, действующего в защиту прав и законных интересов неопределенного круга лиц и Российской Федерации о признании информации, размещенной посредством информационно-телекоммуникационной сети Интернет запрещенной к распространению на территории Российской Федерации,

у с т а н о в и л:

прокурор Пролетарского района г. Твери, действующий в защиту прав и законных интересов неопределенного круга лиц и Российской Федерации, ссылаясь на положения ст. 35 Федерального закона от 17.01.1992 № 2202-1 «О прокуратуре Российской Федерации», ст. 2, 4, 39 КАС РФ, обратился в суд с административным иском о признании информации, размещенной посредством информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет» информацией, распространению которой на территории Российской Федерации запрещено.

В настоящее судебное заседание, от прокурора Пролетарского района г.Твери поступило заявление об отказе от административных исковых требований в части признания информации, размещенной в сети «Интернет» на Интернет-страницах с электронными адресами:;

https://ru.telegram store.сom/catalog/channels/travmat_ognestrelnoe_boevoe/l58;;;,

информацией, распространение которой на территории Российской Федерации запрещено.

Заявление административного истца выражено в письменном виде, приобщено к материалам дела. В заявлении также указано, что последствия, предусмотренные ст.194, 195 КАС РФ, административному истцу разъяснены и понятны.

В судебном заседании представитель административного истца Платоненкова С.Д. заявление поддержала.

Представитель заинтересованного лица Управления Роскомнадзора по Тверской области в судебное заседание не явился, о дате, месте и времени рассмотрения дела извещен, просил о рассмотрении дела в его отсутствие.

Разрешая заявление представителя административного истца, суд исходит из следующего.

В соответствии с ч. 3 ст. 194 КАС РФ, суд прекращает производство по административному делу в предусмотренных настоящим Кодексом случаях.

Порядок производства по административным делам о признании информации, размещенной в информационно-телекоммуникационных сетях, в том числе в сети «Интернет», информацией, распространение которой в Российской Федерации запрещено, определяется главой 27.1 КАС РФ.

Согласно положениям ч. 6 ст. 265.3 КАС РФ судья прекращает производство по административному делу, если указанные в нем доменное имя, указатель страницы сайта в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет» включены в единую автоматизированную информационную систему «Единый реестр доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов, позволяющих идентифицировать сайты в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет», содержащие информацию, распространение которой в Российской Федерации запрещено».

Согласно ч. 2 ст. 46 КАС РФ административный истец вправе до принятия судебного акта, которым заканчивается рассмотрение дела по существу в суде первой или в суде апелляционный инстанции, отказаться от административного иска полностью или частично.

Поскольку отказ административного истца от заявленных административных требований в части не противоречит КАС РФ, другим федеральным законам, не нарушает права других лиц, в силу ч. 5 ст. 46 КАС РФ он подлежит принятию судом, при этом согласно п. 3 ч. 1 ст. 194 КАС РФ производство по настоящему административному иску в части подлежит прекращению.

Руководствуясь ст. 46,194,195,198-199,202 КАС РФ, суд

о п р е д е л и л :

принять отказ административного истца прокурора Пролетарского района                      г. Твери, действующего в защиту прав и законных интересов неопределенного круга лиц и Российской Федерации о признании информации, размещенной посредством информационно-телекоммуникационной сети Интернет запрещенной к распространению на территории Российской Федерации, размещенной в сети Интернет на сайтах с электронными адресами:;

https://ru.telegram store.сom/catalog/channels/travmat_ognestrelnoe_boevoe/l58;;;,

запрещенной к распространению на территории Российской Федерации, в связи с чем, административное дело по настоящему административному иску производством - прекратить в части.

Разъяснить административному истцу, что повторное обращение в суд по административному спору между теме же сторонами, о том же предмете и по тем же основаниям не допускается.

Определение может быть обжаловано течение пятнадцати дней в Тверской областной суд через Центральный районный суд г. Твери.

Председательствующий                                                   В.В. Рогова
Case No. 2a-1863/2023 ~ M-1435/2023 (Decision) - Central District Court of Tver
    Case No. 2a-1863/2023

    UID No. 69RS0040-02-2023-003749-07


on the termination of proceedings in part

July 6, 2023                                                                                                 Tver

The Central District Court of Tver, composed of:

presiding judge Rogova V.V.,

with secretary Sosnine V.V.,

with the participation of the administrative plaintiff - assistant prosecutor Platonenkova S.D.,

having considered in an open court session the administrative case based on the administrative claim of the prosecutor of the Proletarsky District of Tver, acting in defense of the rights and lawful interests of an indefinite number of persons and the Russian Federation, regarding the recognition of information posted through the information-telecommunication network Internet as prohibited for distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation,

h a s   e s t a b l i s h e d:

The prosecutor of the Proletarsky District of Tver, acting in defense of the rights and lawful interests of an indefinite number of persons and the Russian Federation, referring to the provisions of Article 35 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", Articles 2, 4, 39 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, has applied to the court with an administrative claim to recognize information posted through the information-telecommunication network "Internet" as information whose distribution is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

During this court session, a statement was received from the prosecutor of the Proletarsky District of Tver, expressing a refusal to pursue administrative claims regarding the recognition of information posted on the Internet pages with the following electronic addresses:;

https://ru.telegram store.сom/catalog/channels/travmat_ognestrelnoe_boevoe/l58;;;,

information whose distribution is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The administrative plaintiff's statement is in written form and has been attached to the case materials. The statement also indicated that the consequences provided for in Articles 194, 195 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation have been explained and understood by the administrative plaintiff.

During the court session, the representative of the administrative plaintiff, Platonenkova S.D., supported the statement.

The representative of the interested party, the Tver Regional Office of Roskomnadzor, did not attend the court session, being notified of the date, place, and time of the hearing, and requested that the case be considered in his absence.

In granting the request of the administrative plaintiff's representative, the court proceeds as follows.

According to Part 3 of Article 194 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court terminates proceedings in administrative cases in cases provided for by this Code.

The procedure for considering administrative cases regarding the recognition of information posted on information-telecommunication networks, including the Internet, as information whose distribution is prohibited in the Russian Federation, is determined by Chapter 27.1 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation.

According to the provisions of Part 6 of Article 265.3 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge terminates proceedings in an administrative case if the specified domain name, indicator of a website page on the information-telecommunication network "Internet" is included in the Unified Automated Information System "Unified Register of Domain Names, Indicators of Website Pages on the Information-Telecommunication Network "Internet," and Network Addresses Allowing the Identification of Websites on the Information-Telecommunication Network "Internet" Containing Information Whose Distribution is Prohibited in the Russian Federation".

According to Part 2 of Article 46 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, the administrative plaintiff has the right to withdraw the administrative claim in full or in part until the court of first instance or the appellate court issues a judicial act that concludes the examination of the case on the merits.

Since the administrative plaintiff's withdrawal of the claimed administrative demands does not contradict the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, and does not violate the rights of other persons, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 46 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, it is subject to acceptance by the court. Moreover, according to Clause 3 of Part 1 of Article 194 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, proceedings in this administrative claim are subject to termination.

Guided by Articles 46, 194, 195, 198-199, 202 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court

d e c i d e s:

to accept the withdrawal of the administrative plaintiff, the prosecutor of the Proletarsky District of Tver, acting in defense of the rights and lawful interests of an indefinite number of persons and the Russian Federation, regarding the recognition of information posted through the information-telecommunication network Internet as prohibited for distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation, posted on the Internet on websites with the following electronic addresses:;

https://ru.telegram store.сom/catalog/channels/travmat_ognestrelnoe_boevoe/l58;;;,

prohibited for distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation, and, accordingly,
sigprof commented 1 year ago

Apparently at least one of the problematic URLs is — the description of that project (in Russian) advertises some site as a web shop which sells firearms.

One way to obtain that information is; the underlying data source is, but the data is officially available only to Russian ISPs. Unfortunately, the references to legal documents in there may be wrong, as the comment above shows — the bot reports the same legal case number:

📛 (https)  /n_6210296 Центральный районный суд г. Твери - Тверская область 2а-1863/2023 2023-07-06 /d_vpfrtsyn83pkw
• ст. 15.1 (, общая
внесено: 2023-07-18T21:30:02+03:00




  IP: 2a06:98c1:3122:e000::a
  IP: 2a06:98c1:3123:e000::a
humitos commented 1 year ago

the problematic URLs is

I banned that project. It's shown now as spam.

stsewd commented 1 year ago

For them to unblock us, I think we may need to contact them again at the email from

JeanPaulLucien commented 8 months ago

People in Russia forbade access for yourself. Not issue. If Russians want they can permit access again.

For website owners I recommend to start to collect logs about users and their actions then research who publish info. If access in Russia was forbidden, send report + logs to the Interpol.

Take a look. Сohesiveness.

JeanPaulLucien commented 8 months ago

When will become available in Russia?

Send this question to the court in Russia.

skirpichev commented 8 months ago

For them to unblock us, I think we may need to contact them again at the email from

Just sent it to them. Lets see..

skirpichev commented 8 months ago

Ok, now the domain name isn't listed in anymore.

humitos commented 8 months ago

Is this issue solved? Should we close it?

skirpichev commented 8 months ago

I think so. Till the next case...