readysettech / readyset

Readyset is a MySQL and Postgres wire-compatible caching layer that sits in front of existing databases to speed up queries and horizontally scale read throughput. Under the hood, ReadySet caches the results of cached select statements and incrementally updates these results over time as the underlying data changes.
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Documentation on required readyset user privileges #41

Open cygann opened 1 year ago

cygann commented 1 year ago

I'm looking to set up a new user on a RDS postgres database such that its credentials can be distributed to a ReadySet instance.

However, it is not clear to me what permissions/privileges this user's role needs to have in order to work. Could someone clarify what these should be? Thank you!

2023-03-01T21:16:54.003709Z ERROR replicators: Error in replication, will retry after timeout context=LogContext({"deployment": "brain_interfaces_readyset"}) error=Error during replication: PostgreSQL: db error: ERROR: permission denied for database <my database name> timeout_sec=30
jseldess commented 1 year ago

Hi @cygann. This is a great question that should definitely be answered in our documentation. We'll work on that. In the meantime, here's some guidance for RDS Postgres.

The ReadySet user requires certain privileges to create the replication event triggers on your behalf and also requires privileges for operations you will send through ReadySet (e.g., reads, writers, DDL). There are a few ways to accomplish this:

Does that help? Please let us know if you have follow-up questions.

houqp commented 1 year ago

@jseldess confirming that all of these has to be done on the master node and not a read replica?

Also is there a way to cleanly "uninstall" all the changes that readyset added to the database in the future?

jseldess commented 1 year ago

@houqp, yes, that's right. ReadySet must be connected to the primary database, not a read replica:

In terms of cleanly uninstalling, we're working on a command to help with that. We'll also document the manual process soon. In the meantime, here's the basic guidance:

  1. Stop ReadySet.
  2. If you revoked rds_superuser from the ReadySet user, connect psql as your master user and regrant that status to the user:
    grant rds_superuser to <user>;
  3. Connect psql with the ReadySet user. This is important because you have to drop a bunch of resources created/owned by that user.
  4. Identify and then drop the ReadySet replication slot:

    SELECT slot_name, pg_size_pretty(pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn(),restart_lsn)) AS replicationSlotLag, active FROM pg_replication_slots ;
     slot_name | replicationslotlag | active
     readyset  | 13 GB              | f
    (1 row)
    readyset=> SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('readyset');
    (1 row)
    readyset=> SELECT slot_name, pg_size_pretty(pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn(),restart_lsn)) AS replicationSlotLag, active FROM pg_replication_slots ;
     slot_name | replicationslotlag | active
    (0 rows)
  5. Drop the schema, functions, and event triggers created by ReadySet:
    readyset=> drop schema readyset cascade;
    NOTICE:  drop cascades to 15 other objects
    DETAIL:  drop cascades to function readyset.is_pre14()
    drop cascades to function readyset.replicate_create_table()
    drop cascades to event trigger readyset_replicate_create_table
    drop cascades to function readyset.replicate_alter_table()
    drop cascades to event trigger readyset_replicate_alter_table
    drop cascades to function readyset.replicate_create_view()
    drop cascades to event trigger readyset_replicate_create_view
    drop cascades to function readyset.replicate_drop()
    drop cascades to event trigger readyset_replicate_drop
    drop cascades to function readyset.replicate_create_type()
    drop cascades to event trigger readyset_replicate_create_type
    drop cascades to function readyset.pre_alter_type()
    drop cascades to event trigger readyset_pre_alter_type
    drop cascades to function readyset.replicate_alter_type()
    drop cascades to event trigger readyset_replicate_alter_type
  6. Drop the ReadySet publication. This is the only drop that requires rds_superuser, based on my testing.

    readyset=> SELECT * FROM pg_publication;
      oid  | pubname  | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert | pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate | pubviaroot
     16992 | readyset |    16908 | t            | t         | t         | t         | t           | f
    (1 row)
    readyset=> drop publication readyset; 
    readyset=> SELECT * FROM pg_publication;
     oid | pubname | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert | pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate | pubviaroot
    (0 rows)

You might then also want to connect psql as your master user, remove the privileges from the ReadySet user and drop the user. You might want to disable logical replication as well if it was enabled only for ReadySet.

Does that help?

houqp commented 1 year ago

Yes, this is very helpful, thank you!