reagent-project / reagent-template

A Leiningen template for projects using Reagent.
MIT License
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Cider Documentation #111

Open Conaws opened 8 years ago

Conaws commented 8 years ago

Cider-jack-in doesn't seem to start up figwheel, and the figwheel docs claim cider integration is 'very advanced'.

Does inclusion of the cider option handle figwheel/cider integration -- or does it just assume you won't use figwheel or devcards while using cider?

I'm normally an inf-clojure user -- but seeing the +cider was too tempting not to try out

Frozenlock commented 8 years ago

You basically have 2 choices if you want to use Figwheel with Cider:

(use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
user> (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
user> (start-figwheel!)

You can see more details there :

ladz commented 6 years ago

In Emcas you could also set

(setq cider-cljs-lein-repl "(do (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api) (start-figwheel!) (cljs-repl))")

in your config.

codeasone commented 6 years ago

The template is working well with cider 0.17.0 using plain-old C-c M-J

Note regarding cider-cljs-lein-repl that this variable is being obsoleted with 0.17.0.

Also, when using the template with cider 0.17.0 today, I did have to disable refactor-nrepl "2.3.1" due to an incompatibility.