reagent-project / reagent-template

A Leiningen template for projects using Reagent.
MIT License
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Figwheel never connects to browser #128

Closed Engelberg closed 7 years ago

Engelberg commented 7 years ago
lein new reagent myproject +test
cd myproject
lein figwheel

Figwheel: Cutting some fruit, just a sec ...
Figwheel: Validating the configuration found in project.clj
Figwheel: Configuration Valid :)
Figwheel: Starting server at
Figwheel: Watching build - app
Figwheel: Cleaning build - app
Compiling "target/cljsbuild/public/js/app.js" from ["src/cljs" "src/cljc" "env/dev/cljs"]...
Successfully compiled "target/cljsbuild/public/js/app.js" in 16.324 seconds.
Figwheel: Starting CSS Watcher for paths  ["resources/public/css"]
Figwheel: Starting nREPL server on port: 7002
Launching ClojureScript REPL for build: app
Figwheel Controls:
          (stop-autobuild)                ;; stops Figwheel autobuilder
          (start-autobuild [id ...])      ;; starts autobuilder focused on optional ids
          (switch-to-build id ...)        ;; switches autobuilder to different build
          (reset-autobuild)               ;; stops, cleans, and starts autobuilder
          (reload-config)                 ;; reloads build config and resets autobuild
          (build-once [id ...])           ;; builds source one time
          (clean-builds [id ..])          ;; deletes compiled cljs target files
          (print-config [id ...])         ;; prints out build configurations
          (fig-status)                    ;; displays current state of system
  Switch REPL build focus:
          :cljs/quit                      ;; allows you to switch REPL to another build
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
    Exit: Control+C or :cljs/quit
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, *e holds last exception object
Prompt will show when Figwheel connects to your application

Then, in the browser I go to localhost:3449. This serves up a page that when I view source looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div id="app">
    <script src="js/testable.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The lein figwheel repl never starts. Any idea what is going on here? I'm running on Windows, although I don't see why that would make a difference in this case. Thanks.

Engelberg commented 7 years ago

It works if I create the project without the +test option.

yogthos commented 7 years ago

Yeah, looks like there's a bug here. I'll try take a look when I get a chance.

gadfly361 commented 7 years ago

@yogthos I think if you remove doo from the dev dependencies vector the issue is resolved. Pushed a commit to this branch.

yogthos commented 7 years ago

@gadfly361 perfect, just merged and pushed out to Clojars