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High Performance data structures and utility methods for Java
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Add single writer concurrent hash maps #23

Open mjpt777 opened 9 years ago

mjpt777 commented 9 years ago

Open addressing hash maps that have only a single mutator thread but many reader threads.

tmontgomery commented 9 years ago

There are some interesting aspects of Robin Hood hashing that might be good to include.

mjpt777 commented 9 years ago

Robin Hood hashing can be a good approach. However I would not use tombstones like in how your link works. I've found for high removal rates that tombstones degrade lookup performance.

bobymicroby commented 9 years ago

@tmontgomery @mjpt777 Here is an interesting paper on replacing Hood's tombstones with 'backward shift deletion' :

mjpt777 commented 9 years ago

@bobymicroby Thanks I'll take a look.

loveyoupeng commented 7 years ago

any plan to add a Object2IntHashMap, it could be used as a pojo counter?

mjpt777 commented 7 years ago

@loveyoupeng We have no immediate need for this but would happily accept a PR for this.

loveyoupeng commented 7 years ago

@mjpt777 i create a copy cat version of Object2InthashMap as a PR, Please help to review