real-logic / simple-binary-encoding

Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) - High Performance Message Codec
Apache License 2.0
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Generates invalid CSharp code when using sinceVersion attribute inside groups #543

Closed ZachBray closed 6 years ago

ZachBray commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this great library! :-)

I think this is an issue for @billsegall, as it relates to the CSharp code generation.

We're generating code using the sbe-tool:1.7.6 JAR.

When we have the following structure in the schema file

the C# code that is generated does not compile.

This code fragment is representative of the problem:

            public SimpleCompositeV0 Value
                if (actingVersion < 42) return null;

                    _value.Wrap(_buffer, _offset + 0, _actingVersion);
                    return _value;

If actingVersion were prefixed with an underscore I believe it would fix the issue.

It looks like it may come from this line:

Full schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:messageSchema xmlns:ns2="" package="N.B., package is required but not used" id="32353" version="42" byteOrder="littleEndian">
    <composite name="messageHeader" description="Message identifiers and length of message root">
        <type name="blockLength" primitiveType="uint16"/>
        <type name="templateId" primitiveType="uint16"/>
        <type name="schemaId" primitiveType="uint16"/>
        <type name="version" primitiveType="uint16"/>
    <composite name="varStringEncoding" description="Variable length string encoding">
        <type name="length" maxValue="2147483647" primitiveType="uint32"/>
        <type name="varData" length="0" primitiveType="uint8" characterEncoding="UTF-8"/>
    <composite name="varDataEncoding" description="Variable length data encoding">
        <type name="length" maxValue="2147483647" primitiveType="uint32"/>
        <type name="varData" length="0" primitiveType="uint8"/>
    <composite name="groupSizeEncoding" description="Group size encoding">
        <type name="blockLength" primitiveType="uint16"/>
        <type name="numInGroup" primitiveType="uint16"/>
    <composite name="simpleCompositeV0">
        <type name="foo" primitiveType="int32"/>
<ns2:message name="brokenMessageV0" id="5746">
    <group dimensionType="groupSizeEncoding" name="brokenGroup" id="1" sinceVersion="42">
        <field name="value" id="2" type="simpleCompositeV0" sinceVersion="42"/>

Generated class

    public sealed partial class BrokenMessageV0
        public const ushort BlockLength = (ushort)0;
        public const ushort TemplateId = (ushort)5746;
        public const ushort SchemaId = (ushort)32353;
        public const ushort SchemaVersion = (ushort)42;
        public const string SemanticType = "";

        private readonly BrokenMessageV0 _parentMessage;
        private DirectBuffer _buffer;
        private int _offset;
        private int _limit;
        private int _actingBlockLength;
        private int _actingVersion;

        public int Offset { get { return _offset; } }

        public BrokenMessageV0()
            _parentMessage = this;

        public void WrapForEncode(DirectBuffer buffer, int offset)
            _buffer = buffer;
            _offset = offset;
            _actingBlockLength = BlockLength;
            _actingVersion = SchemaVersion;
            Limit = offset + _actingBlockLength;

        public void WrapForDecode(DirectBuffer buffer, int offset, int actingBlockLength, int actingVersion)
            _buffer = buffer;
            _offset = offset;
            _actingBlockLength = actingBlockLength;
            _actingVersion = actingVersion;
            Limit = offset + _actingBlockLength;

        public int Size
                return _limit - _offset;

        public int Limit
                return _limit;
                _limit = value;

        private readonly BrokenGroupGroup _brokenGroup = new BrokenGroupGroup();

        public const long BrokenGroupId = 1;
        public const int BrokenGroupSinceVersion = 42;
        public const int BrokenGroupDeprecated = 0;
        public bool BrokenGroupInActingVersion()
            return _actingVersion >= BrokenGroupSinceVersion;

        public BrokenGroupGroup BrokenGroup
                _brokenGroup.WrapForDecode(_parentMessage, _buffer, _actingVersion);
                return _brokenGroup;

        public BrokenGroupGroup BrokenGroupCount(int count)
            _brokenGroup.WrapForEncode(_parentMessage, _buffer, count);
            return _brokenGroup;

        public sealed partial class BrokenGroupGroup
            private readonly GroupSizeEncoding _dimensions = new GroupSizeEncoding();
            private BrokenMessageV0 _parentMessage;
            private DirectBuffer _buffer;
            private int _blockLength;
            private int _actingVersion;
            private int _count;
            private int _index;
            private int _offset;

            public void WrapForDecode(BrokenMessageV0 parentMessage, DirectBuffer buffer, int actingVersion)
                _parentMessage = parentMessage;
                _buffer = buffer;
                _dimensions.Wrap(buffer, parentMessage.Limit, actingVersion);
                _blockLength = _dimensions.BlockLength;
                _count = _dimensions.NumInGroup;
                _actingVersion = actingVersion;
                _index = -1;
                _parentMessage.Limit = parentMessage.Limit + SbeHeaderSize;

            public void WrapForEncode(BrokenMessageV0 parentMessage, DirectBuffer buffer, int count)
                _parentMessage = parentMessage;
                _buffer = buffer;
                _dimensions.Wrap(buffer, parentMessage.Limit, _actingVersion);
                _dimensions.BlockLength = (ushort)4;
                _dimensions.NumInGroup = (ushort)count;
                _index = -1;
                _count = count;
                _blockLength = 4;
                parentMessage.Limit = parentMessage.Limit + SbeHeaderSize;

            public const int SbeBlockLength = 4;
            public const int SbeHeaderSize = 4;
            public int ActingBlockLength { get { return _blockLength; } }

            public int Count { get { return _count; } }

            public bool HasNext { get { return (_index + 1) < _count; } }

            public BrokenGroupGroup Next()
                if (_index + 1 >= _count)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                _offset = _parentMessage.Limit;
                _parentMessage.Limit = _offset + _blockLength;

                return this;

            public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
                while (this.HasNext)
                    yield return this.Next();

            public const int ValueId = 2;
            public const int ValueSinceVersion = 42;
            public const int ValueDeprecated = 0;
            public bool ValueInActingVersion()
                return _actingVersion >= ValueSinceVersion;

            public static string ValueMetaAttribute(MetaAttribute metaAttribute)
                switch (metaAttribute)
                    case MetaAttribute.Epoch: return "unix";
                    case MetaAttribute.TimeUnit: return "nanosecond";
                    case MetaAttribute.SemanticType: return "";
                    case MetaAttribute.Presence: return "required";

                return "";

            private readonly SimpleCompositeV0 _value = new SimpleCompositeV0();

            public SimpleCompositeV0 Value
                if (actingVersion < 42) return null;

                    _value.Wrap(_buffer, _offset + 0, _actingVersion);
                    return _value;
mjpt777 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report @ZachBray. Can you try the latest to confirm it works for you?

ZachBray commented 6 years ago

It looks much healthier now. Thank you!

ZachBray commented 6 years ago

@billsegall, will this fix make it into the "sbe-tool" NuGet package or should I package it up myself for use on our project?

billsegall commented 6 years ago

I'll try and get a new package out this week.

billsegall commented 6 years ago has an update. Thanks for the report and patch.

ZachBray commented 6 years ago

Great! Thank you for the package update.

ZachBray commented 6 years ago

Hi guys,

Sorry I've discovered another issue related to this. Not sure how I didn't notice it earlier.

The code generated is now valid C# and it works for decoding. When encoding we use the same property.

            public SimpleCompositeV0 Value
                if (_actingVersion < 42) return null;

                    _value.Wrap(_buffer, _offset + 0, _actingVersion);
                    return _value;

Unfortunately WrapForEncode(...) does not initialize _actingVersion to anything. Therefore, encoding fails.

I'll attach a PR that fixes this momentarily.

mjpt777 commented 6 years ago

I've merged the change. However it feels wrong to wrapForEncode and then decode. I think the Java design of separate encoders and decoders is a safer and cleaner approach.

ZachBray commented 6 years ago

it feels wrong to wrapForEncode and then decode

FYI we're not calling WrapForEncode(...) then decoding, we're still encoding, but we need to access the property in order to encode/write the composite fields which necessitates a Wrap(...). I believe composites use the same Wrap(...) mechanism for encoding and decoding on the C# side.

separate encoders and decoders is a safer and cleaner approach
