realXtend / tundra

realXtend Tundra SDK, a 3D virtual world application platform.
Apache License 2.0
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Clean up and document the AvatarDescAsset file format #728

Open cadaver opened 10 years ago

cadaver commented 10 years ago

The default avatar in the Avatar example scene contains legacy UUIDs for animations, which are no longer used and should be removed. The same holds for the Extra Avatars package in the Google Code downloads.

Additionally, ensure that the AvatarDescAsset files can be loaded with minimal data, and that they would use sensible defaults when values are missing.

Finally, document the avatar xml file format.

jonnenauha commented 10 years ago

Documenting the morph stuff would be nice too :) That is the biggest question mark for artists and devs (who desperately try to make these desc files by hand).

Maybe even a generator executable that takes in stuff and spits out avatar desc would be nice, if at all possible to make. Could we detect with Ogre these potential morph targets? Probably could even read materials from .mesh (if not overridden in input params) and other stuff needed from .skeleton.

Edit: If this standalone tool was done I see potential integration possibilities to blender2ogre plugin -> Export Avatar... which would be super cool for artists.