realaravinth / libmedium

An Alternative Medium Frontend | Development continues at:
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[Rendering] Repititions, wrong formatting, etc. tracking issue #1

Open realaravinth opened 2 years ago

realaravinth commented 2 years ago

This issue tracks all rendering bugs in libmedium. To report a rendering bug, please comment the URL of article which caused the bug and I'll try to investigate and fix it

realaravinth commented 2 years ago

realaravinth commented 2 years ago

ebb5d5175 partially fixes this

The repetition in third paragraph("Earlier this year...") is because of nested formatting. A part of this paragraph is styled as both "EM" and "STRONG". I'll have rewrite rendering routines to accommodate nested formatting rules like this one:

  "text": "Earlier this year, Aniket Pol and I started working on a project that would allow for logical bundling of these different REST API operations into one single API call on an as-needed basis. The primary motivation behind this being; cutting down on the number of API calls between external clients (merchants and developers) and PayPal or between different internal services at PayPal.",
  "type": "P",
  "href": null,
  "layout": null,
  "markups": [
      "title": "",
      "type": "A",
      "href": "",
      "userId": null,
      "start": 19,
      "end": 29,
      "anchorType": "LINK"
      "title": null,
      "type": "STRONG",
      "href": null,
      "userId": null,
      "start": 173,
      "end": 188,
      "anchorType": null
      "title": null,
      "type": "EM",
      "href": null,
      "userId": null,
      "start": 173,
      "end": 188,
      "anchorType": null
  "iframe": null,
  "metadata": null
realaravinth commented 2 years ago

Ordered lists:

But this article's ordered list includes only a single list item and the other list items are rendered as paragraphs by contain list numbering as part of their content)

fixed(df14f) but ordered list styling in this article is a little weird due to the reason mention above.

edwardloveall commented 2 years ago

GitHub Gists with multiple files where one file is specified ignore the single file and show every file in the gist:

realaravinth commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the report @edwardloveall :)


PrivacyDevel commented 1 year ago

I found this one that seems to contain a lot of formatting issues:

Surendrajat commented 1 year ago

Some issues with this one:

realaravinth commented 1 year ago

@PrivacyDevel: Firstly, apologies for taking so long to respond. and fix the formatting issues on the post you linked.

@Surendrajat: Thanks for reporting, fixes the issues in the post you linked. Changes are deployed on the flagship instance, please see here to view the post without the warnings :)

PrivacyDevel commented 1 year ago

No worries. I'm happy to hear that you got around to fixing it. :)

Unfortunately it seems like the instance is currently broken. It just shows the template skeleton right now. Would be happy to check it out, once it's working again.

realaravinth commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately it seems like the instance is currently broken. It just shows the template skeleton right now. Would be happy to check it out, once it's working again.

Yikes, I pushed a commit that updated the template engine. The tests passed so I assumed everything was fine. It's reverted to the old version now, everything seems to be working :sweat:

beucismis commented 1 year ago

Some issues:

PrivacyDevel commented 1 year ago

@beucismis this seems to already be working just fine on the official instance That's just vern's instance being out of data as far as I can tell.

throwaway-d commented 1 year ago Start from 1. Likeness

PrivacyDevel commented 1 year ago

@throwaway-d see my comment above yours. The same applies here.

throwaway-d commented 1 year ago

@throwaway-d see my comment above yours. The same applies here.

Looks like the same applies.

mortezadadgar commented 1 year ago start from References:

realaravinth commented 1 year ago

@mortezadadgar: thanks for the report, it's fixed on the flagship instance. Please see here

Aside: I'll try to do a release soon, maybe it will help instance admins monitor and update their instances