realbig / rbm-field-helpers

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Use RBM-FH within Widgets #35

Open d4mation opened 7 years ago

d4mation commented 7 years ago

Right now RBM FH works wonderfully with Post Meta. You have to write the minimal code to add them to a Meta Box and then RBM FH handles all the rest automatically (Saving, etc.).

If this were to be extended to Widgets that would be wonderful. I haven't tested it, but I would figure the rbm_do_field_{field}() functions likely work already within Widgets as long as the files are loaded at an adequate hook. It would just need Saving logic attached to it.

Can you imagine Repeaters in a Widget??? Man, that'd be cool. Previously I've just had Textareas be split by line for different "Items" which is horrible UX.