realbig / rbm-theme

The theme for the new Real Big Marketing website (circa 2015)
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Publish some actual portfolio items that don't suck balls #36

Open brashrebel opened 7 years ago

brashrebel commented 7 years ago

If this remains on my to-do list it may never get done. Our portfolio online absolutely sucks so much it's a joke. It is all clients from 2012 and 2013. I want to replace it all with clients from 2015 and 2016. That means someone needs to:

  1. Pick clients that we did even reasonably decent work for.
  2. Get their permission.
  3. Write something about what we did.
  4. Include a nice main image for the portfolio archive and some screenshots for the portfolio single.
  5. Publish on our site.
  6. Purge old portfolio items that are truly garbage.

Can you do this????

joelworsham commented 7 years ago

Much angst. Such wow.

d4mation commented 7 years ago


BigActual commented 7 years ago

Closing and combining into #37

brashrebel commented 7 years ago

These are not the same. Home page portfolio items are a visual showcase of some sites that look pretty. Our actual portfolio page is a list of our clients with corresponding write ups. They are different. The home page issue just requires a series of our best looking custom work. That means nothing that was designed by a third party or was built with a stock theme. The portfolio page is entirely different.

BigActual commented 7 years ago

Ooops. Your right. Been awhile since I looked at it.