realbig / rbm-theme

The theme for the new Real Big Marketing website (circa 2015)
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Publish some newer portfolio showcases on the home page #37

Open brashrebel opened 7 years ago

brashrebel commented 7 years ago

Peaceful Dragon School and VDK? Really? That's the best we've got to show? PDS is using a stock, barely modified WooTheme and VDK is super meh.

Inosencio, Pat Robertson, Mid Michigan Health Center, Impact Insurance, ALS, MSP Games, Project Freedom, shoot even Epic! All those clients got a custom site designed by us. Some were prettier than others of course but we ultimately executed a completely unique design. Pick from these and make our showcase great again.

joelworsham commented 7 years ago

VDK is only mildly meh thank you! (I still kind of like it)

joelworsham commented 7 years ago

Also MSP Games is gone-dizzle I believe.

... but yes, much better options ;)

BigActual commented 7 years ago

I like vdk as well. I'll put this on my to do list.

BigActual commented 7 years ago

If i never hear, "Make it great again" it'll be too soon.

BigActual commented 7 years ago

Need URLs for Pat Robertson, Need clarification and a URL for MSP Games if we're using it. Likely won't use Epic because it's been so badly damaged by changes

brashrebel commented 7 years ago MSP Games exists no longer.

And we don't need all of them in the home page showcase. Just the ones that truly look best in that little graphic with the three devices. I'd say our top four would suffice.

BigActual commented 7 years ago

Yeah, thanks for the domain. Sorry I had to ask, but it's hard to google your way around Evangelical Pat Robertson