let chromiumPath = process.platform === "linux" ? "/usr/bin/chromium-browser" : null;
if (chromiumPath && !fs.existsSync(chromiumPath)) console.log("[node_characterai] Puppeteer - Warning: the specified Chromium path for puppeteer could not be located. If the script does not work properly, you may need to specify a path to the Chromium binary file/executable.");
class Requester {
browser = undefined;
page = undefined;
Hello, to request source code changes, please open up a PR here.
Also, auto process closing should already be implemented, if you have issues with it, please re-open this issue and elaborate directly.
i have found a new method to auto close the chromium process and it works very well, this helps my PC to not get frezeeing during mass request
`const puppeteer = require("puppeteer-extra"); const StealthPlugin = require("puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth"); const fs = require("fs");
let chromiumPath = process.platform === "linux" ? "/usr/bin/chromium-browser" : null; if (chromiumPath && !fs.existsSync(chromiumPath)) console.log("[node_characterai] Puppeteer - Warning: the specified Chromium path for puppeteer could not be located. If the script does not work properly, you may need to specify a path to the Chromium binary file/executable.");
class Requester { browser = undefined; page = undefined;
module.exports = Requester; `