realcopacetic / skin.copacetic

A skin for Kodi Nexus and Omega by realcopacetic
24 stars 10 forks source link

Some suggestions #173

Open SpiralArrow opened 1 month ago

SpiralArrow commented 1 month ago

This skin has become my favorite Kodi skin, however I have some little suggestions to improve it. None of these should go against the simplicity this skin is aiming for.

Video OSD:

List view:

Strip & showcase view:

Home menu:

Dialogue menus:

realcopacetic commented 3 weeks ago

Hi thanks for all the suggestions, I'm glad you're enjoying it. During beta there weren't many users so it's a bit skewed right now to just how I do things. It's been good getting new perspectives since getting onto the official Kodi repo.

I've started working on some of these but had some questions for you on a couple:

If you install the skin there is no exit / shutdown menu option. I know you can add this by changing the home menu in general settings but for people trying the skin for the first time it might be good to have it by default

There should be an exit option by default on the shutdown menu which comes up if you hold back on the home screen or press s. Do you think this would be in the default main menu instead?

Dialogue menus:

If you reach the top or bottom of the available options and press up or down again cycle back to beginning or end

Can you let me know where you saw this. I think I changed most of them to this behavior a whole ago but just have missed some

SpiralArrow commented 3 weeks ago

There should be an exit option by default on the shutdown menu which comes up if you hold back on the home screen or press s. Do you think this would be in the default main menu instead?

I didn't know this. I just tried holding the back button on the home screen and it did indeed bring up the shutdown menu. Is this common knowledge? I'm using this skin on a Chromecast with a remote so I can't tell if keyboard shortcuts work since the remote only uses up/down/left/right, ok and back buttons. Imo it's better to show the end user all available menu options, it didn't cross my mind to hold the back button to bring up a different "hidden" shutdown menu.

Can you let me know where you saw this. I think I changed most of them to this behavior a whole ago but just have missed some

For example: Hold the OK button on a movie in your library. This brings up a small menu.

Play Play next Queue item Information Mark as watched Add to favorites Play from here Manage

Now if the "cursor" is on "Play" and I press up, it doesn't move all the way down to "Manage". There's no wraparound navigation between these options so to speak. That's no deal breaker just a little addition that'd be neat.

I am on copacetic version 1.3.1 from the official Kodi repo tho, I don't know if you've changed this behavior between this and the latest version of your repo.

realcopacetic commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, most of these should now be live in the version of my skin on my own repo (Omega: 2.4.3 / Nexus 1.4.3). I will submit it to the official Kodi repo, but I need to wait for them to approve an update to my helper addon first as the has dependencies on the latest version of that. So it may yet be a week or two depending on how quickly the approvals process happens by the Kodi team.

When the video controls are shown, also show the video title somewhere on screen (maybe top right?) Added in the top left, now the currently focused button label shows up as the secondary info label in the top left so it's like Title / Play, or Title / Fast forward etc.

When using the arrow keys to fast forward or reverse in steps the popup that shows f.e. "+0:50" or "-08:20" etc. sometimes doesn't show up or fades away too quickly

I need to look into this one, but some of this behaviour is a core Kodi issue I believe as it's the same on the default skin Estuary (in my testing at least), where for up and down skips, the label clears very quickly. On the left/right skips, that's something I probably need to fix on myend.

Add an option to show remaining time instead of length to the video progress bar

Added this option in Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Video Player

Add an option to disable the "Movie title > video, audio codec > age rating" popup in the top left corner after starting a video

Added this option in Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Video Player

Make the background for the OSD less dark. I sometimes like to pause and watch what is on screen, it's too dark to see anything

Will add an option for this in the next version

List view:

Make very long titles scroll horizontally so you can read them completely, as of now they just stop with "..." when space runs out

Added an option for this under Settings > Copacetic > Views > List

In episodes list view please add a fade between thumbnails if you scroll through episodes to keep it consistent with posters which have a fade

Added this, thanks for pointing it out

Strip & showcase view:

An alternative color for the plot would be nice, preferably white instead of blue

Added this option under Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Library

Add an option to show a checkmark instead of a progress bar for watched videos (like in grid view)

Will need to figure this one out a bit more, how it's going to work, especially for strip, that view is manually built, which means I have to figure out all the animations for moving the checkmarks from one item to the next and then getting bigger smaller etc. Also I need to figure out where it would go / what it would look like

Home menu:

If you install the skin there is no exit / shutdown menu option. I know you can add this by changing the home menu in general settings but for people trying the skin for the first time it might be good to have it by default

I'm considering making an installation guide, either a Wiki or ideally something in Kodi the first time you run the skin. If I do, this will include guidance on access the hidden shutdown menu or adding your own shortcuts to the menu.

Dialogue menus:

If you reach the top or bottom of the available options and press up or down again cycle back to beginning or end

Added this

SpiralArrow commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you! I've found one more issue:

In the customization settings the "Preferred classification ratings" menu shows completely different and unrelated options.

realcopacetic commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you! I've found one more issue:

In the customization settings the "Preferred classification ratings" menu shows completely different and unrelated options.

AHH thanks yeah. I moved some labels around and forgot to update the numbers. Will get this fixed asap. Apologies for that. Are you using the skin from official Kodi repo or my repo?