realethantran / fastpages_EthanT

MIT License
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Week #4 Review Ticket (Python Web Server) #12

Open realethantran opened 1 year ago

realethantran commented 1 year ago

Fastpages link

Human Day Notes


Python Web Server


Collaboration Quiz


nsk1207 commented 1 year ago

2.7+ good step by step instructions and group collaboration

mmaxwu commented 1 year ago

2.7+ Flask customization was done well

jm1021 commented 1 year ago

Nice intro good sharing of key elements. Very good video making and covering key elements. A little hard to see key changes. 2.7

clairehzhao commented 1 year ago


T-Dev-CCM commented 1 year ago

2.7 Well explained with pleasant visuals. Keep it up!

tanishapatil1234 commented 1 year ago


amitha-sanka commented 1 year ago
