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Performance Task Scoring #3 - Ethan Tran #25

Open realethantran opened 1 year ago

realethantran commented 1 year ago

Submission 1


Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] input - [x] program functionality - [x] output - The video properly displays the user input and output, along with a functioning program.
Row 2: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 3: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 4: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 5: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 6: No video portion N/A N/A N/A

Written Response

Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] describes the overall purpose of the program. - [x] describes what functionality of the program is demonstrated in the video. - [x] describes the input and output of the program demonstrated in the video.
Row 2: Data Abstraction (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes two program code segments: - one that shows how data has been stored in this list (or other collection type). - one that shows the data in this same list being used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose. - [ ] identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used in this response. - [ ] describes what the data contained in this list is representing in the program.
Row 3: Managing Complexity (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes a program code segment that shows a list Complexity being used to manage complexity in the program. - [ ] explains how the named, selected list manages complexity in the program code by explaining why the program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, without using this list.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes two program code segments: - one showing a student-developed procedure includes two program code segments: with at least one parameter that has an effect on the functionality of the procedure. - one showing where the student-developed procedure is being called - [ ] describes what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program.
Row 5: Algorithm Implentation (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] includes a program code segment of a student-developed algorithm that includes - sequencing - selection - iteration - [x] explains in detailed steps how the identified algorithm works in enough detail that someone else could recreate it.
Row 6: Testing (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute. - [x] describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure. - [x] identifies the result of each call

My Score: 3/6

College Board's Score: 3/6


There were no discrepancies between my grade and that of College Board. This submission was missing a lot of the work, missing half of the criteria overall. For my code, I will have to make sure I look at the rubric/criteria closely and be sure to work in accordance to it. This will help me improve my chances of scoring higher, as my work will be able to match what College Board is looking for.

realethantran commented 1 year ago

Submission 2


Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] input - [x] program functionality - [x] output - The video properly displays the user input and output, along with a functioning program.
Row 2: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 3: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 4: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 5: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 6: No video portion N/A N/A N/A

Written Response

Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] describes the overall purpose of the program. - [x] describes what functionality of the program is demonstrated in the video. - [x] describes the input and output of the program demonstrated in the video.
Row 2: Data Abstraction (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] includes two program code segments: - one that shows how data has been stored in this list (or other collection type). - one that shows the data in this same list being used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose. - [x] identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used in this response. - [x] describes what the data contained in this list is representing in the program.
Row 3: Managing Complexity (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] includes a program code segment that shows a list Complexity being used to manage complexity in the program. - [x] explains how the named, selected list manages complexity in the program code by explaining why the program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, without using this list.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] includes two program code segments: - one showing a student-developed procedure includes two program code segments: with at least one parameter that has an effect on the functionality of the procedure. - one showing where the student-developed procedure is being called - [x] describes what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program.
Row 5: Algorithm Implentation (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] includes a program code segment of a student-developed algorithm that includes - sequencing - selection - iteration - [x] explains in detailed steps how the identified algorithm works in enough detail that someone else could recreate it.
Row 6: Testing (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute. - [x] describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure. - [x] identifies the result of each call

My Score: 6/6

College Board's Score: 6/6


There were no discrepancies between my grade and that of College Board. This submission had exceeded the expectations of myself, and pleased the eyes of College Board - scoring 6/6 and earning a point. To ensure I meet all of the requirements of the College Board's rubric, I will make sure to be precise and detailed in my answers for the AP Test.

realethantran commented 1 year ago

Submission 3


Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] input - [x] program functionality - [x] output - The video properly displays the user input and output, along with a functioning program.
Row 2: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 3: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 4: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 5: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 6: No video portion N/A N/A N/A

Written Response

Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] describes the overall purpose of the program. - [x] describes what functionality of the program is demonstrated in the video. - [x] describes the input and output of the program demonstrated in the video.
Row 2: Data Abstraction (0-1 points) 1/1 0/1 - [x] includes two program code segments: - one that shows how data has been stored in this list (or other collection type). - one that shows the data in this same list being used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose. - [x] identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used in this response. - [x] describes what the data contained in this list is representing in the program.
Row 3: Managing Complexity (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [x] includes a program code segment that shows a list Complexity being used to manage complexity in the program. - [ ] explains how the named, selected list manages complexity in the program code by explaining why the program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, without using this list.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes two program code segments: - one showing a student-developed procedure includes two program code segments: with at least one parameter that has an effect on the functionality of the procedure. - one showing where the student-developed procedure is being called - [x] describes what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program.
Row 5: Algorithm Implentation (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes a program code segment of a student-developed algorithm that includes - sequencing - selection - iteration - [ ] explains in detailed steps how the identified algorithm works in enough detail that someone else could recreate it.
Row 6: Testing (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute. - [ ] describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure. - [ ] identifies the result of each call

My Score: 2/6

College Board's Score: 1/6


There was a discrepancy between my grade and College Board's. This submission missed the mark on nearly all of the criteria, especially when explaining the program and managing complexity. Where my grading differs from College Board is for row 2, in which I gave full points as I believed that this submission had checked all of the boxes - however, I was wrong. College Board disagreed as the code was not precise enough, and did not properly utilize the 'stateList.' For my code, I will have to be sure that all of my code segments work precisely, as well as utilize the elements that they are expected to.

realethantran commented 1 year ago

Submission 4


Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] input - [x] program functionality - [x] output - The video properly displays the user input and output, along with a functioning program.
Row 2: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 3: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 4: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 5: No video portion N/A N/A N/A
Row 6: No video portion N/A N/A N/A

Written Response

Row My Grade College Board's Grade Comments
Row 1: Program Purpose and Function (0-1 points) 1/1 (total) 1/1 (total) - [x] describes the overall purpose of the program. - [x] describes what functionality of the program is demonstrated in the video. - [x] describes the input and output of the program demonstrated in the video.
Row 2: Data Abstraction (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes two program code segments: - one that shows how data has been stored in this list (or other collection type). - one that shows the data in this same list being used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose. - [ ] identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used in this response. - [ ] describes what the data contained in this list is representing in the program.
Row 3: Managing Complexity (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes a program code segment that shows a list Complexity being used to manage complexity in the program. - [ ] explains how the named, selected list manages complexity in the program code by explaining why the program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, without using this list.
Row 4: Procedural Abstraction (0-1 points) 0/1 0/1 - [ ] includes two program code segments: - one showing a student-developed procedure includes two program code segments: with at least one parameter that has an effect on the functionality of the procedure. - one showing where the student-developed procedure is being called - [ ] describes what the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program.
Row 5: Algorithm Implentation (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [x] includes a program code segment of a student-developed algorithm that includes - sequencing - selection - iteration - [x] explains in detailed steps how the identified algorithm works in enough detail that someone else could recreate it.
Row 6: Testing (0-1 points) 1/1 1/1 - [ ] describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute. - [x] describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure. - [ ] identifies the result of each call

My Score: 5/6

College Board's Score: 5/6


There were no discrepancies between the scores that College Board and I gave This particular submission had met nearly all of the criteria, falling short only on the final row. This submission failed to describe the results of the call, instead only discussing about the code segments. This submission also did not describe any arguments that had been passed through the parameters. For myself, I will need to make sure that all of my answers are detailed and actually follow the criteria! As shown in this submission, small mistakes or failures to read the finer points of the rubric likely caused this submission to fall short - barely missing the criteria, yet having to suffer the consequence of receiving 0 points on this submission.