realethantran / fastpages_EthanT

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Individual Final Review Ticket - Ethan Tran #31

Open realethantran opened 1 year ago

realethantran commented 1 year ago

Crossover Grading Ticket

Student Crossover Grading

Item Self Amay's Grade Ederick's Grade Average Score
Attendance and Capture the Moment 2 2 2 2
Presentation to Teacher 2 2 2 2
Runtime (runs on cross domain) 1 1 1 1
UI Contains Inputs validated 1 1 1 1
UI Contains actions for Create, Read 1 1 1 1
UI Contains actions for Update, Delete (extra) 1 1 1 1
Individual Code Quality 1 1 1 1
API handles error conditions 1 1 1 1
Contains GET and POST methods 1 1 1 1
Contains database operations that support Create, Read 1 1 1 1
Contains database operations that support Update, Delete (extra) 1 1 1 1
Team Review Ticket 1 1 1 1
Presentation 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Runtime Links 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Technical Achievements 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Guides for Review 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Video 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Bonus (personal achievement, anything extra, etc.) --> BE Delete 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
# Personal Work ## Source Code Links - [My Car Add Feature - Frontend]( - [My Car Search Feature - Frontend]( - [API - Backend]( - [Model - Backend]( ## Runtime Links - [My Car Add Feature - Frontend]( - [My Car Search Feature - Frontend]( - [My Backend Database]( ## Technical Achievements (Backend Focus) For this project, I met a variety of achievements such as... - [x] Hosting a fully functioning backend server hosted on AWS - [x] Creating a database that can be used to store data on cars based on user input - [x] Fetching data from my database in the frontend and using that to READ and CREATE records - [x] Developing a DELETE endpoint that works to delete records from my database based on a given record's ID (via Postman) - [x] Creating a search/filtration feature that utilizes selection and iteration to build a table of cars based on specific criteria - Before this trimester, I had absolutely no clue of how to work with SQLAlchemy or databases as a whole. However, I have been able to further my knowledge through working on this project. I can apply this newfound knowledge to projects or work that I may have in the future. Throughout this trimester, I have been able to better my understanding of AWS, Postman, and CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE (CRUD) - specifically CREATE and READ requests. Furthermore, I was also not very proficient in the "art" of debugging. Though I am no pro, it is safe to say that after this trimester I have vastly improved my skills in this space. Lastly, my frontend makes heavy use of JavaScript via script tags in HTML. I have been able to learn how to utilize fetch() to send requests in my frontend such as GET and CREATE. By fetching data, I have been able to create HTML tables and table elements through the use of JavaScript (which I did not know was even possible before the start of the trimester). ## Guides for Review - [Night at the Museum Blog]( - [CPT College Board Write Up]( ## Video - [Runtime Demo CPT Video]( ## GitHub Analytics >Frontend: ![image]( >Backend: ![image]( > Overall Commits/Contributions: ![image]( ## Bonus **Personal Achievement:** Alongside my peers, I was able to help develop an [AWS Deployment Guide]( for the APCSP fastpages site. Many of my peers had reached out to thank me for helping with the guide, which was very gratifying. I was also able to help fellow students via slack - mainly with AWS. **Backend Delete:** In the backend, I was able to implement a DELETE operation that deletes a car based on it's specific id. The operation sends a DELETE request to the url "[id]." When sending the DELETE request via Postman, the records are deleted from the database - in the case that the ID does not exist, an error message is provided stating that the Car does not exits and thus, cannot be deleted.