realies / soulseek-docker

🐳 Soulseek Docker Container
MIT License
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reverse proxy config #33

Closed sintaxx closed 3 years ago

sintaxx commented 3 years ago

so I've got the container up and running and it works great but when I try to add it to my nginx reverse proxy, the vnc server can't connect, any ideas on how to resolve this? i'll paste below my config statements from compose and the proxy conf

    container_name: soulseek
    restart: always
      - '${DOCKERCONFDIR}/slsk/appdata:/data/.SoulseekQt'
      - '${DOCKERCONFDIR}/slsk/downloads:/data/Soulseek Downloads'
      - '${DOCKERCONFDIR}/slsk/logs:/data/Soulseek Chat Logs'
      - pgid=1000
      - puid=1000
      - resize=scale
      - resolution=1280x720
      - '6080:6080'
    image: realies/soulseek
    #include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf;

    location / {
        # enable the next two lines for http auth
        #auth_basic "Restricted";
        #auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;

        # enable the next two lines for ldap auth
        #auth_request /auth;
        #error_page 401 =200 /ldaplogin;

        # enable for Authelia
        #include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf;

        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        include /config/nginx/resolver.conf;
        set $upstream_app soulseek;
        set $upstream_port 6080;
        set $upstream_proto http;
        proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;


    location /websockify {
        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port/;



sintaxx commented 3 years ago

I figured it out, sorry, you can delete this.

albertaparicio commented 3 years ago

@sintaxx How did you configure your Nginx?

I am facing the same problem you posted

realies commented 3 years ago

@albertaparicio, it's likely your WebSocket connection is not proxied properly. Please have a look at the example config: