realitydeslab / playshop-summer-2024

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Human clone identity chip. #20

Closed myyyyy481 closed 2 months ago

myyyyy481 commented 2 months ago

research problem: If cloning technology is abused in the future, how can people determine whether they are original or natural persons? Do clones have fundamental human rights?

Key words: Individual Rights Self-identity Cloning Ethics

Artefact / Media: Movie script, Chip props

Abstract: In the future, imagine a society where cloning technology is abused, and reproductive clones are "created" with a purpose to be used in the field of medical treatment or to serve the original body.Most natural people and clones can cooperate and live in harmony with each other, but there are also some extreme egoists who do not treat clones as human beings. They use their clones as tools and order them to take on excessive work and labor for themselves. A small number of clones have developed serious rebellious psychology because of the extreme behavior of their originals, and even do things that hurt the originals.Some criminals use cloning technology to avoid imprisonment, and clones become their scapegoats. There have even been cases where clones have killed their original masters and replaced their social identities.The abuse of cloning technology and the emergence of clones have created a series of ethical and moral issues that society and reproductive clones need to face:Does human cloning have natural human rights? Do you enjoy social rights and obligations? Are they protected by law? When the original does not need his clone, what should the existing clone do? Who will deal with them? Some clones have psychological problems because of their self-identity, and some natural people have self-identity problems because they have been with clones for a long time. They can't tell whether they are the original or the clone. Government departments have to consider re-establishing the relevant legal system. Scientists have invented a chip with an identification system to distinguish natural persons from clones and identify the basic identity information of clones. When you need to tell whether the person in front of you is a clone, you only need to turn on the Bluetooth device. If he is a clone, the chip system implanted in his skin will be connected to your Bluetooth device immediately, and you can check the identity information of the clone and the basic identity information of the original on the device. The chip system will detect the psychological state of the clone in real time. If a clone has anti-social psychology and the impulse to hurt others, the chip implanted in the skin will send out a weak electric shock to stop the clone from moving and automatically trigger the alarm system, so as to share the positioning information of the clone in real time and support the necessary tracking and help. At the same time, this chip implantation technology is not without conditions. If you want to implant a chip in your clone, you need to sign a responsibility guarantee agreement. The content of the document is supervised by the law. The original natural person who signs the agreement needs to bear basic responsibilities for the clone, respect the basic rights of the clone, and is not allowed to oppress the clone.

Visual Reference / Illustrations: 微信图片_20240626145352 微信图片_20240626145345
