I'm using this package to import CC avatars in my Unity HDRP project.
I find that the hair doesn't render well with the default HDRP/Lit shader.
I modified your script to use the HDRP/Hair shader but still it doesn't render as good as in CC, especially the colors and the transparency.
Typically there are values (in the Json: root, tip, dye colors) and textures (flow, id, root maps) that are not used.
My question is: do you have a better hair shader for Unity HDRP that render hair as close as in CC?
Hello, I'm using this package to import CC avatars in my Unity HDRP project. I find that the hair doesn't render well with the default HDRP/Lit shader. I modified your script to use the HDRP/Hair shader but still it doesn't render as good as in CC, especially the colors and the transparency. Typically there are values (in the Json: root, tip, dye colors) and textures (flow, id, root maps) that are not used.
My question is: do you have a better hair shader for Unity HDRP that render hair as close as in CC?