realm / SwiftCov

A tool to generate test code coverage information for Swift.
MIT License
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Support for xcworkspace #57

Open avalanched opened 9 years ago

avalanched commented 9 years ago

Are there any plans to support xcworkspace? i have project that uses cocoapods so for it to compile it needs to compile from xcworkspace

kishikawakatsumi commented 9 years ago

Also it works projects using CocoaPods. Just you can change the subsequent commands to use the workspace after swiftcov commands. Like this:

$ swiftcov generate --output coverage_ios \
  xcodebuild test \
  -workspace ExampleFramework.xcworkspace \
  -scheme ExampleFramework-iOS \
  -sdk iphonesimulator \
  -configuration Release 

If you have any error, please make sure the tests are executed normally without swiftcov commands.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

I am trying to run swiftcov against an xcworkspace file containing three projects. Each project has tests and the tests are building and executing fine when run from the command line. If you use swiftcov generate, only for one project the gcov files are produced. For the rest of the projects no coverage data is produced. Clear question: does swiftcov support xcworkspaces, yes or no? If yes, any ideas what the issue could be?
