I had the Illegal instruction 4 problem as many issues out there, but my cause was different from the ones I found and I think there could be a better message accompanying the output.
Complete output when running SwiftLint, including the stack trace and command used
$ ./Pods/SwiftLint/swiftlint lint
Loading configuration from '.swiftlint.yml'
Illegal instruction: 4
SwiftLint version (run swiftlint version to be sure)?
SwiftLint (0.39.2) [from Podfile.lock]
Installation method used (Homebrew, CocoaPods, building from source, etc)?
Paste your configuration file:
disabled_rules: # rule identifiers to exclude from running
- void_return
- vertical_whitespace
- trailing_whitespace
- trailing_newline
- control_statement
- trailing_semicolon
- identifier_name
- type_name
- colon
- line_length
- unused_closure_parameter
- unused_optional_binding
- for_where
- cyclomatic_complexity
- function_body_length
- file_length
- redundant_optional_initialization
- closure_parameter_position
- force_cast
- force_try
- shorthand_operator
- comma
- discarded_notification_center_observer
- opening_brace
- redundant_void_return
- vertical_parameter_alignment
- nesting
- syntactic_sugar
- force_unwrapping
- switch_case_alignment
- empty_parentheses_with_trailing_closure
- statement_position
- return_arrow_whitespace
- empty_enum_arguments
- redundant_objc_attribute
- legacy_constructor
- mark
- trailing_comma
- unneeded_break_in_switch
- function_parameter_count
- type_body_length
- leading_whitespace
- class_delegate_protocol
- weak_delegate
- private_over_fileprivate
- redundant_string_enum_value
- operator_whitespace
- reduce_boolean
- compiler_protocol_init
- closure_spacing
- convenience_type
- discouraged_optional_boolean
- empty_count
- empty_string
- force_unwrapping
- todo # This should stay as a warning, but since we are transforming warnings to errors we need to disable it for now.
- yoda_condition
- closure_spacing
- collection_alignment
- contains_over_first_not_nil
- convenience_type
- discouraged_optional_boolean
- empty_count
- empty_string
- fatal_error_message
- first_where
- force_unwrapping
- identical_operands
- quick_discouraged_focused_test
- quick_discouraged_pending_test
# Find all the available rules by running:
# swiftlint rules
included: # paths to include during linting. `--path` is ignored if present.
- podcast
excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`.
- Carthage
- Pods
# opening_brace:
# severity: error
# colon:
# severity: error
# comma:
# severity: error
# unused_optional_binding:
# severity: error
# trailing_whitespace:
# severity: error
# vertical_parameter_alignment:
# severity: error
# trailing_newline:
# severity: error
# void_return:
# severity: error
# severity: error
- nc
- vc
- vm
- id
- tc
reporter: "xcode" # reporter type (xcode, json, csv, checkstyle, junit, html, emoji, sonarqube, markdown)
Are you using nested configurations?
If so, paste their relative paths and respective contents.
Which Xcode version are you using (check xcodebuild -version)?
Xcode 11.3
Build version 11C29
I had a rule listed twich in the disabled_rules list.
I had rules in the disabled_rules list and the opt_in rules list as well.
I removed all of them (commented them in fact) and Swiftlint started working.
Ideally, the message with which Swiftlint fails could be improved to say there are inconsistencies in the yml file.
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Describe the bug
I had the Illegal instruction 4 problem as many issues out there, but my cause was different from the ones I found and I think there could be a better message accompanying the output.
Complete output when running SwiftLint, including the stack trace and command used
swiftlint version
to be sure)? SwiftLint (0.39.2) [from Podfile.lock]xcodebuild -version
)? Xcode 11.3 Build version 11C29Solution
I had a rule listed twich in the disabled_rules list. I had rules in the disabled_rules list and the opt_in rules list as well.
I removed all of them (commented them in fact) and Swiftlint started working.
Ideally, the message with which Swiftlint fails could be improved to say there are inconsistencies in the yml file.