realm / SwiftLint

A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
MIT License
18.58k stars 2.22k forks source link

Swiftlint disappeared from homebrew #3596

Closed ir-fuel closed 2 years ago

ir-fuel commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

I don't know if this is the right place to report this, but if it isn't feel free to point me to where I should do it:

When installing Swiftlint on CircleCI I saw that the package can no longer be downloaded through homebrew. I tested the url on my machine and I also got a 404.

This is the full output

brew install swiftlint && cd src/xcode && bundle install --path=vendor --jobs=8
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 4 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask and adoptopenjdk/openjdk).
==> New Formulae
aliddns                    influxdb@1                 phpbrew
ansible@2.9                jpeg-xl                    pkger
as-tree                    jql                        projectm
atkmm@2.28                 keptn                      ptpython
bandit                     kertish-dfs                pure
bas55                      khiva                      pyqt-3d
bpython                    kickstart                  pyqt-builder
brook                      klee                       pyqt-networkauth
cadence-workflow           ko                         pyside@2
cargo-audit                kotlin-language-server     python-tabulate
cargo-watch                kubergrunt                 python-tk@3.9
cherrytree                 latino                     qt-libiodbc
cloudflare-wrangler        leaf-proxy                 qt-mariadb
clusterctl                 libcap-ng                  qt-mysql
coin3d                     libmd                      qt-percona-server
counterfeiter              libnsl                     qt-postgresql
cpplint                    libpinyin                  qt-unixodbc
crackpkcs                  libpipeline                rdkit
crane                      libprelude                 richmd
crcany                     libunwind                  rosa-cli
crispy-doom                libva                      rtl_433
curlie                     libvdpau                   rttr
dasel                      libxml++@4                 ruby@2.7
datalad                    libxml++@5                 saml2aws
delve                      linux-pam                  smu
djl-serving                logswan                    snowpack
dnsx                       lp_solve                   spaceship
dprint                     lttng-ust                  spack
driftctl                   luajit-openresty           sqlancer
dstask                     luv                        sqlc
dua-cli                    mapcidr                    systemd
efm-langserver             massdns                    tctl
enkits                     md4c                       tgenv
enzyme                     mermaid-cli                thrax
epr                        minisat                    threemux
flow-cli                   mockery                    timg
forge                      moto                       tomcat@9
gallery-dl                 mpdecimal                  truffle
gdu                        msc-generator              tz
geph4                      multitime                  virtualenv
ghc@9                      mx                         vitess
glibc                      name-that-hash             vsh
go-boring                  net-tools                  waffle
go@1.15                    nuclei                     wayland-protocols
gofumpt                    numactl                    wllvm
gojq                       obfs4proxy                 xcb-util-cursor
gopass-jsonapi             ocaml-zarith               xcb-util-image
goredo                     open-adventure             xcb-util-keysyms
grokj2k                    openalpr                   xcb-util-renderutil
grokmirror                 openmama                   xcb-util-wm
gtkmm4                     openmodelica               xcprojectlint
h2spec                     oras                       xray
haruhi-dl                  orgalorg                   ykdl
haskell-language-server    osmcoastline               yq@3
hblock                     pandoc-plot                yubikey-agent
hexo                       parliament                 zlib-ng
htmltest                   pcalc                      zsh-async
iconsur                    pcp                        zsh-vi-mode
indicators                 pdftilecut
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 5051 formulae.
==> Renamed Formulae
glibmm@2.64 -> glibmm@2.66
gtk+4 -> gtk4
ht-rust -> xh
kde-extra-cmake-modules -> extra-cmake-modules
kde-karchive -> karchive
kde-kdoctools -> kdoctools
kde-ki18n -> ki18n
kde-threadweaver -> threadweaver
libsasl2 -> cyrus-sasl
minizip2 -> minizip-ng
pangomm@2.42 -> pangomm@2.46
prest -> prestd
pyqt5 -> pyqt@5
qt5 -> qt@5
==> Deleted Formulae
atlassian-cli   avian           geant4          gobby           godep
==> New Casks
ableton-live-intro10                     kieler
ableton-live-lite10                      kiwi-for-gmail
ableton-live-standard10                  kyokan-bob
ableton-live-suite10                     lightform
accordance                               lightkey
adoptopenjdk16                           little-navmap
adoptopenjdk16-jre                       local-beta
adoptopenjdk16-openj9                    macfuse
adoptopenjdk16-openj9-jre                macpass-dev
airbuddy                                 mailtrackerblocker
aldente                                  mathinspector
alipay-development-assistant             megax
arduino-beta                             melonds
around                                   micro-sniff
astah-uml                                microsoft-remote-desktop
atemosc                                  miniforge
atomic-wallet                            mouse-fix
audacity                                 mubu
audiogridder-plugin                      munkiadmin
audiogridder-server                      mxsrvs
audius                                   n1ghtshade
azure-data-studio-insiders               nault
banksiagui                               neat-reader
battery-buddy                            netnewswire-beta
betelguese                               nordlocker
bleunlock                                nordpass
bluesnooze                               northernspysoftware-colorpicker
bluewallet                               nuage
brewlet                                  nure
brooklite                                offset-explorer
cakebrewjs                               okta-advanced-server-access
celestia                                 old-school-runescape
chatterino                               olympus
cinco                                    openzfs-dev
cinderella                               operator
circuitjs1                               opgg
clashx-pro                               oss-browser
clicker-for-netflix                      parsify
clicker-for-youtube                      pathephone
code-composer-studio                     pibar
cog                                      pika
coinomi-wallet                           plasticscm-cloud-edition
colorwell                                pokemon-trading-card-game-online
command-pad                              pragli
curseforge                               prezi-video
daedalus-testnet                         propresenter-beta
dash5                                    ptpwebcam
deadbeef                                 qq-beta
deadbeef-nightly                         ray
decloner                                 raycast
deskreen                                 reamp
devbook                                  redream
devutils                                 remnote
digital                                  rhino
dnagedcom                                runelite
dnagedcom-beta                           scrapp
drovio                                   sengi
duckstation                              shearwater-cloud
dyalog                                   signet
elpki                                    silicon
epoccam                                  silicon-info
evkey                                    simplelink-msp432-sdk
f-bar                                    simplelink-msp432e4-sdk
fabfilter-micro                          simtoolkitpro
fabfilter-one                            sitesucker-pro
fabfilter-pro-c                          sketch-beta
fabfilter-pro-ds                         skychart
fabfilter-pro-g                          slippi-dolphin
fabfilter-pro-l                          smultron
fabfilter-pro-mb                         sonobus
fabfilter-pro-q                          space-saver
fabfilter-pro-r                          spaceman
fabfilter-saturn                         spotter
fabfilter-simplon                        start
fabfilter-timeless                       stringz
fabfilter-twin                           superslicer
fabfilter-volcano                        swiftbar
fawkes                                   tencent-docs
finisher-fluxx                           textbuddy
finisher-micro                           the-archive
finisher-neo                             the-unofficial-homestuck-collection
finisher-voodoo                          tradingview
font-smoothing-adjuster                  trojanx
foobar2000                               twobird
forticlient-vpn                          ultdata
free42-binary                            unclack
free42-decimal                           uniflash
fspy                                     utterly
futubull                                 veepn
fvim                                     vine-server
gather                                   vofa-plus
gdat                                     volanta
goldenpassport                           wannianli
google-drive                             webull
grid                                     wolfram-engine
helo                                     wxmacmolplt
iconscout                                xbar
imdone                                   xcodes
imobie-m1-app-checker                    xournal-plus-plus
infinity                                 yesplaymusic
intellidock                              zecwallet-lite
internxt-drive                           zulu15
jandi-statusbar                          zulufx
katrain                                  zy-player
==> Updated Casks
Updated 2943 casks.
==> Deleted Casks
ableton-live               gfortran                   pins
adobe-dng-converter        google-hangouts            project-slippi-dolphin
archi                      hex-fiend-beta             protonmail-unofficial
arrayfire                  imazing-mini               psequel
barxtemp                   insomnia-designer          racket-cs
battery-guardian           irip                       raven
beatport-pro               jeromelebel-mongohub       rhinoceros
clashxr                    kafka-tool                 ringtones
craft                      kekadefaultapp             ripit
daedalus-catalyst          kode54-cog                 scaleft
deadbeef-devel             master-password            softu2f
disablemonitor             mega                       tagalicious
eventstore                 mist                       teamspeak-client
evom                       monogame                   use-engine
facebook-ios-sdk           oni                        veonim
flash-ppapi                openxcom                   yyets
futuniuniu                 pibakery

==> Downloading
##O#- #                                                                       
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Trying a mirror...
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 
Error: Failed to download resource "swiftlint"
Download failed:

Exited with code exit status 1
CircleCI received exit code 1
tl-sebastien-kovacs commented 3 years ago

We're also experiencing the same issue.

If it can help troubleshooting, it started with a 403 yesterday and I've also noticed that bintray had planned maintenance (now completed)

==> Downloading
##O#- #                                                                       
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Trying a mirror...
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 
Error: Failed to download resource "swiftlint"
Download failed:

Exited with code exit status 1
Daniel-Okoronkwo commented 3 years ago

Also experienced the same issue on Bitrise yesterday

| (3) swiftlint                                                                |
| id: swiftlint                                                                |
| version: 0.8.0                                                               |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: bash                                                                |
| time: 2021-04-12T17:17:55+01:00                                              |
|                                                                              |
(swiftlint) isn't installed, installing...
brew install swiftlint failed -- out: (==> Downloading
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Error: Failed to download resource "swiftlint"
Download failed: err: (exit status 1)
INFO[17:18:11] Failed to install (swiftlint) with brew     
Kraxxis commented 3 years ago

Ran into the same issue. Looks like Bintray is shutting down. From the looks of it, homebrew's hosting has been migrated to Github packages.

Your local homebrew remotes might still be pointing to Bintray. Doing a brew update-reset on my workstation allowed me to download swiftlint. Not sure how this will help your CI issue.

jpsim commented 3 years ago

Thanks for linking to the Homebrew discussion @Kraxxis. I'll leave this issue open for now for discoverability. We can close in a few days if there hasn't been any further activity.

freak4pc commented 3 years ago

For me, brew update-reset didn't do the trick :(

JiyeonRosieKoo commented 3 years ago

@Kraxxis Thanks a lot!! It is working now