realm / SwiftLint

A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
MIT License
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SwiftLint v0.54.0 fails to be installed with Mint #5348

Closed asa08 closed 9 months ago

asa08 commented 10 months ago

New Issue Checklist

Describe the bug

An error occurs when executing the following commands.

mint bootstrap
Complete output when running SwiftLint, including the stack trace and command used
$ mint bootstrap
🌱 Cloning SwiftLint 0.54.0
🌱 Resolving package
🌱 Building product swiftlint
Building for production...
[0/11] Compiling SourceKit SourceKit.c
[1/11] Compiling Clang_C Clang_C.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[3/13] Compiling SwiftSyntax509 Empty.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[3/13] Compiling DyldWarningWorkaround DyldWarningWorkaround.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[4/15] Compiling writer.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[5/16] Compiling parser.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[6/16] Compiling reader.c
[7/17] Compiling emitter.c
[8/17] Compiling scanner.c
[9/17] Compiling api.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[11/18] Compiling CollectionConcurrencyKit CollectionConcurrencyKit.swift
[12/18] Compiling ArgumentParserToolInfo ToolInfo.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[13/19] Compiling SwiftyTextTable TextTable.swift
[14/19] Compiling SWXMLHash XMLAttributeDeserializable.swift
[15/19] Compiling Yams Constructor.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[16/20] Compiling ArgumentParser BashCompletionsGenerator.swift
[17/20] Compiling SourceKittenFramework ByteCount.swift
[18/20] Compiling SwiftSyntax AbsolutePosition.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[19/24] Compiling SwiftIDEUtils SwiftIDEUtilsCompatibility.swift
[20/24] Compiling SwiftBasicFormat BasicFormat.swift
[21/24] Compiling SwiftDiagnostics Convenience.swift
[22/24] Compiling SwiftParser Attributes.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[23/26] Compiling SwiftOperators Operator.swift
[24/26] Compiling SwiftParserDiagnostics DiagnosticExtensions.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[25/27] Compiling SwiftSyntaxBuilder ConvenienceInitializers.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[26/28] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacros AbstractSourceLocation.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[27/29] Compiling SwiftSyntaxMacroExpansion BasicMacroExpansionContext.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[28/30] Compiling SwiftCompilerPluginMessageHandling CompilerPluginMessageHandler.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[29/31] Compiling SwiftCompilerPlugin CompilerPlugin.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[30/32] Compiling SwiftLintCoreMacros RuleConfigurationMacros.swift
[30/32] Linking SwiftLintCoreMacros
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[32/33] Compiling SwiftLintCore RuleDocumentation.swift
rosetta error: Failed to open libRosettaRuntime
 <unknown>:0: warning: compiler plugin not loaded: '/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx/release/SwiftLintCoreMacros; failed to initialize
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/ViolationSeverity.swift:3:13: error: external macro implementation type 'SwiftLintCoreMacros.MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement' could not be found for macro 'MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement()'
public enum ViolationSeverity: String, Comparable, Codable, InlinableOptionType {
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Helpers/Macros.swift:18:14: note: 'MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement()' declared here
public macro MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement() = #externalMacro(
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Helpers/Macros.swift:7:14: warning: external macro implementation type 'SwiftLintCoreMacros.AutoApply' could not be found for macro 'AutoApply()'
public macro AutoApply() = #externalMacro(
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Helpers/Macros.swift:18:14: warning: external macro implementation type 'SwiftLintCoreMacros.MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement' could not be found for macro 'MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement()'
public macro MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement() = #externalMacro(
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Helpers/Macros.swift:37:14: warning: external macro implementation type 'SwiftLintCoreMacros.SwiftSyntaxRule' could not be found for macro 'SwiftSyntaxRule(foldExpressions:explicitRewriter:)'
public macro SwiftSyntaxRule(foldExpressions: Bool = false, explicitRewriter: Bool = false) = #externalMacro(
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:8:6: error: generic struct 'ConfigurationElement' requires that 'ViolationSeverity' conform to 'AcceptableByConfigurationElement'
    @ConfigurationElement(key: "severity")
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/RuleConfigurationDescription.swift:393:15: note: where 'T' = 'ViolationSeverity'
public struct ConfigurationElement<T: AcceptableByConfigurationElement & Equatable>: Equatable {
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:8:6: note: did you mean to use '.rawValue'?
    @ConfigurationElement(key: "severity")
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:8:6: error: generic struct 'ConfigurationElement' requires that 'ViolationSeverity' conform to 'AcceptableByConfigurationElement'
    @ConfigurationElement(key: "severity")
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/RuleConfigurationDescription.swift:393:15: note: where 'T' = 'ViolationSeverity'
public struct ConfigurationElement<T: AcceptableByConfigurationElement & Equatable>: Equatable {
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:8:6: note: did you mean to use '.rawValue'?
    @ConfigurationElement(key: "severity")
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:8:6: error: generic struct 'ConfigurationElement' requires that 'ViolationSeverity' conform to 'AcceptableByConfigurationElement'
    @ConfigurationElement(key: "severity")
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/RuleConfigurationDescription.swift:393:15: note: where 'T' = 'ViolationSeverity'
public struct ConfigurationElement<T: AcceptableByConfigurationElement & Equatable>: Equatable {
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:8:6: note: did you mean to use '.rawValue'?
    @ConfigurationElement(key: "severity")
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:2:15: error: type 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
public struct SeverityConfiguration<Parent: Rule>: SeverityBasedRuleConfiguration {
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:9:9: note: stored property type '<<error type>>' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable', preventing synthesized conformance of 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' to 'Equatable'
    var severity = ViolationSeverity.warning
Swift.==:1:24: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to 'RawRepresentable'
@inlinable public func == <T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool where T : RawRepresentable, T.RawValue : Equatable
Swift.FloatingPoint:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to 'FloatingPoint'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.BinaryInteger:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to 'BinaryInteger'
    public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : BinaryInteger
Swift._Pointer:2:24: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to '_Pointer'
    public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift._Pointer:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to '_Pointer'
    @inlinable public static func == <Other>(lhs: Self, rhs: Other) -> Bool where Other : _Pointer
Swift.Strideable:3:35: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to 'Strideable'
    @inlinable public static func == (x: Self, y: Self) -> Bool
Swift.StringProtocol:2:35: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to 'StringProtocol'
    @inlinable public static func == <RHS>(lhs: Self, rhs: RHS) -> Bool where RHS : StringProtocol
Swift.SIMD:4:24: note: candidate would match if 'SeverityConfiguration<Parent>' conformed to 'SIMD'
    public static func == (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Equatable:2:17: note: protocol requires function '==' with type '(SeverityConfiguration<Parent>, SeverityConfiguration<Parent>) -> Bool'
    static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:19:14: error: cannot assign to property: 'severity' is a get-only property
        self.severity = severity
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:29:14: error: cannot assign to property: 'severity' is a get-only property
        self.severity = severity
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/ViolationSeverity.swift:3:13: error: type 'ViolationSeverity' does not conform to protocol 'AcceptableByConfigurationElement'
public enum ViolationSeverity: String, Comparable, Codable, InlinableOptionType {
/private/var/folders/rj/r1dvm6cd12s1cwvfk70xzx780000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/RuleConfigurationDescription.swift:354:17: note: type 'ViolationSeverity' does not conform to inherited protocol 'AcceptableByConfigurationElement'
public protocol InlinableOptionType: AcceptableByConfigurationElement {}
error: fatalError
🌱 Encountered error during "swift build -c release --product swiftlint -Xswiftc -target -Xswiftc x86_64-apple-macosx13.5". Use --verbose to see full output
🌱  Failed to build SwiftLint 0.54.0 with SPM
iMac-mm-6201:newspicks-app-ios mu$ mint install realm/SwiftLint@0.54.0
🌱 Cloning SwiftLint 0.54.0
🌱 Resolving package
🌱 Building product swiftlint


  - identifier_name
  - line_length
  - file_length
  - type_body_length
  - force_cast
  - type_name
  - cyclomatic_complexity
  - function_body_length
  - force_try
  - nesting
  - function_parameter_count
  - large_tuple

  - xxx(Confidential information)
jpsim commented 10 months ago

rosetta error: Failed to open libRosettaRuntime

Have you tried installing Rosetta?

erikkerber commented 10 months ago

@jpsim Very LQ: What is requiring Rosetta as of 0.54.0?

We don't install it on our CI, so wondering if there's a reason we should/need to going forward?

(We install via the bzlmod BCR)

SimplyDanny commented 10 months ago

Nothing requires Rosetta in SwiftLint itself.

If I run swift build -c release --product swiftlint -Xswiftc -target -Xswiftc x86_64-apple-macosx13.5 on an Apple Silicon Mac, I see the exact same error, even with Rosetta installed. The x86_64-apple-macosx13.5 target seems wrong to me. If the Mint command is run on an Arm-based Mac, we wouldn't see the x86_64. On the other hand, running the command on an Intel-based Mac wouldn't require Rosetta.

@asa08: On which platform do you run the command?

jpsim commented 10 months ago

The main change that I think could cause this in 0.54.0 is the addition of Swift macros.

Does Mint have trouble installing other projects using macros?

erikkerber commented 10 months ago

Sorry I should have clarified. We aren't using Mint, we're using Bazel with bzlmod.

bazel_dep(name = "swiftlint", version = "0.54.0")

We get the same Rosetta-ish error when (it appears) it's compiling macros

ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_buildkite/e21df498267afdbcbfd273d3ab407ad2/external/swiftlint~0.54.0/BUILD:48:14: Compiling Swift module @@swiftlint~0.54.0//:SwiftLintCore failed: (Exit 1): worker failed: error executing SwiftCompile command (from target @@swiftlint~0.54.0//:SwiftLintCore)
  | (cd /private/var/tmp/_bazel_buildkite/e21df498267afdbcbfd273d3ab407ad2/execroot/_main && \
  | exec env - \
  | PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin \
  | ZERO_AR_DATE=1 \
  | bazel-out/darwin_x86_64-opt-exec-ST-13d3ddad9198/bin/external/rules_swift~1.13.0/tools/worker/worker swiftc @bazel-out/darwin_x86_64-dbg/bin/external/swiftlint~0.54.0/SwiftLintCore.swiftmodule-0.params)
  | # Configuration: d18ff59a88335a8e65c7576b51d3557be72a9bdefd3da972549ee68dd90e23ee
  | # Execution platform: @@local_config_platform//:host
  | error: emit-module command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
  | rosetta error: Failed to open libRosettaRuntime
  | <unknown>:0: warning: compiler plugin not loaded: '/private/var/tmp/_bazel_buildkite/e21df498267afdbcbfd273d3ab407ad2/execroot/_main/bazel-out/darwin_x86_64-opt-exec-ST-13d3ddad9198/bin/external/swiftlint~0.54.0/SwiftLintCoreMacros; failed to initialize
  | external/swiftlint~0.54.0/Source/SwiftLintCore/Helpers/Macros.swift:7:14: warning: external macro implementation type 'SwiftLintCoreMacros.AutoApply' could not be found for macro 'AutoApply()'
  | public macro AutoApply() = #externalMacro(

I also see darwin_x86_64-dbg in there. This is on an Apple Silicon machine. It's 13.5 (my local machine is 14.1).

jpsim commented 10 months ago

Trying and failing to reproduce this.

$ mint run realm/SwiftLint@0.54.0 version

So that works for me. I also tried with Bazel / bzlmod:

$ git clone
$ cd swiftlint-bazel-example
$ bazel run -c opt @SwiftLint//:swiftlint -- version
INFO: Analyzed target @swiftlint~0.54.0//:swiftlint (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target @swiftlint~0.54.0//:swiftlint up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.072s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/external/swiftlint~0.54.0/swiftlint version

I'm on M1, macOS 14.1.1, with Xcode 15.0 (15A240d) installed and selected.

SimplyDanny commented 10 months ago

I'm on M1, macOS 14.1.1, with Xcode 15.0 (15A240d) installed and selected.

Same for me. Both work. Cross-compiling with swift build -c release --product swiftlint -Xswiftc -target -Xswiftc x86_64-apple-macosx14.1 produces the reported error though. Might be caused by SPM not yet supporting cross-compilation?

pdrcabrod commented 10 months ago

I was having the issue. Sharing my observations in case it helps somebody else

In my case the problem was that I had Homebrew installed for intel chipsets (prefix /usr/local). Migrating Homebrew to the M1 chipset, then install mint using the new Homebrew installation, did the trick

erikkerber commented 9 months ago

We were also spawning from an x86/Rosetta process (forgotten x86 Danger binary). Sorry for the added noise 🙇

SimplyDanny commented 9 months ago

Seems like this is resolved then. @asa08, feel free to reopen if not for you.

yamataku29 commented 7 months ago

@SimplyDanny Hi Danny. I have a similar problems is occurring in my environment.

There're some fatalError in SeverityConfiguration.swift and ViolationSeverity.swift. You can see it in attached images.

Could you tell me the solution?

スクリーンショット 2024-02-06 16 01 23

スクリーンショット 2024-02-06 16 01 26

I let you know some information text in bellow.

â– fatalError

/private/var/folders/51/lhm4698x3gzb7_lxrw5gcgvw0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:2:15 type 'SeverityConfiguration' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'

/private/var/folders/51/lhm4698x3gzb7_lxrw5gcgvw0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:8:6 generic struct 'ConfigurationElement' requires that 'ViolationSeverity' conform to 'AcceptableByConfigurationElement'

/private/var/folders/51/lhm4698x3gzb7_lxrw5gcgvw0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:19:14 cannot assign to property: 'severity' is a get-only property

/private/var/folders/51/lhm4698x3gzb7_lxrw5gcgvw0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/SeverityConfiguration.swift:29:14 cannot assign to property: 'severity' is a get-only property

/private/var/folders/51/lhm4698x3gzb7_lxrw5gcgvw0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/ViolationSeverity.swift:3:13 external macro implementation type 'SwiftLintCoreMacros.MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement' could not be found for macro 'MakeAcceptableByConfigurationElement()'

/private/var/folders/51/lhm4698x3gzb7_lxrw5gcgvw0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Source/SwiftLintCore/Models/ViolationSeverity.swift:3:13 type 'ViolationSeverity' does not conform to protocol 'AcceptableByConfigurationElement'

yamataku29 commented 7 months ago

I send you more Information. I did comment out like bellow.

export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"

if which mint >/dev/null; then
  #xcrun --sdk macosx mint run swiftlint swiftlint --fix
  #xcrun --sdk macosx mint run swiftlint swiftlint
  echo "testtest"
  echo "warning: Mint not installed, download from"

Then, it start working.

exevil commented 7 months ago

The same problem happens while installing 0.54.0 using pre-commit. 0.53.0 works as expected.

SimplyDanny commented 7 months ago

0.54.0 is the first version requiring Swift 5.9 to make use of the macro feature.

@yamataku29: In your logs, we see that the macros cannot be resolved. I'm not a Mint user. So I cannot tell from my experience what's wrong.

mactkg commented 6 months ago

my co-worker was encountered this issue, but we could resolved.


If you installed mint with homebrew, reinstall homebrew without Rosetta. And reinstall mint, SwiftLint without Rosetta.


my co-worker was encountered this issue, but we could resolved the issue with this approach.

If homebrew was installed in Rosetta environment, homebrew is seems to install packages for x86_64 architecture even if Terminal launched without Rosetta. In fact, mint binary is built for x86_64 arch.

$ file /usr/local/bin/mint
/usr/local/bin/mint: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

Again, it can't change architecture to arm64 even if reinstall mint with non rosetta emulated Reinstall homebrew for x86_64 arch(without rosetta) to resolve this issue.


k06a commented 2 months ago

Having similar issue:

mint run realm/SwiftLint@0.54.0 version


🌱 Cloning SwiftLint 0.54.0
🌱 Resolving package
warning: could not determine XCTest paths: terminated(1): /usr/bin/xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-platform-path output:
    xcrun: error: unable to lookup item 'PlatformPath' from command line tools installation
    xcrun: error: unable to lookup item 'PlatformPath' in SDK '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk'

error: 'github.com_realm_swiftlint': Invalid manifest (compiled with: ["/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/swiftc", "-vfsoverlay", "/var/folders/xc/pq5jc85j6lx55bjmm1pzzcjm0000gn/T/TemporaryDirectory.leUMVO/vfs.yaml", "-L", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/swift/pm/ManifestAPI", "-lPackageDescription", "-Xlinker", "-rpath", "-Xlinker", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/swift/pm/ManifestAPI", "-target", "arm64-apple-macosx13.0", "-sdk", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk", "-swift-version", "5", "-I", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/swift/pm/ManifestAPI", "-sdk", "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk", "-package-description-version", "5.9.0", "/private/var/folders/xc/pq5jc85j6lx55bjmm1pzzcjm0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Package.swift", "-Xfrontend", "-disable-implicit-concurrency-module-import", "-Xfrontend", "-disable-implicit-string-processing-module-import", "-o", "/var/folders/xc/pq5jc85j6lx55bjmm1pzzcjm0000gn/T/TemporaryDirectory.9q94D0/github.com_realm_swiftlint-manifest"])
/private/var/folders/xc/pq5jc85j6lx55bjmm1pzzcjm0000gn/T/mint/github.com_realm_SwiftLint/Package.swift:2:8: error: no such module 'CompilerPluginSupport'
import CompilerPluginSupport
🌱 Encountered error during "swift package resolve". Use --verbose to see full output
🌱  Failed to resolve SwiftLint 0.54.0 with SPM
fluiddruid commented 1 month ago

I hit the same thing k06a. You've probably got the SDK path set to something other than the XCode instance. See here:

Try running

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

Then rerun your mint command.