realm / realm-core

Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs
Apache License 2.0
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Invalid ref translation entry #8047

Open GouthamGatla opened 22 hours ago

GouthamGatla commented 22 hours ago

/home/runner/work/realm-js/realm-js/packages/realm/bindgen/vendor/realm-core/src/realm/alloc.hpp:565: [realm-core-14.13.1] Invalid ref translation entry [0, 78187493520, 844629504, 12]

jedelbo commented 21 hours ago

@GouthamGatla do you experience this in your local development setup? Is it reproducible?

GouthamGatla commented 21 hours ago

This issue iam facing in local development setup and iam able to reproduce @jedelbo

jedelbo commented 21 hours ago

Would you be able to share the realm file you are working on? I guess it is rather large?

GouthamGatla commented 4 hours ago

/ eslint-disable prettier/prettier / import Realm from 'realm';

const surveyTaskSchema = { name: 'survey_task', primaryKey: 'id', properties: { id: 'string', mobileNumber: 'string', status: 'string', product: 'string?', productId: 'string?', fieldSurveyNumber: 'string?', policyNumber: 'string?', applicationNumber: 'string?', claimIntimationNumber: 'string?', state: 'string?', district: 'string?', subDistrict: 'string?', revenueCircle: 'string?', grampanchayat: 'string?', village: 'string?', insuredFarmerName: 'string?', farmerFatherName: 'string?', farmerMobileNumber: 'string?', farmerType: 'string?', ownershipType: 'string?', cropName: 'string?', cropSownArea: 'string?', insuredArea: 'string?', surveyNumber: 'string?', dateOfSowing: 'string?', dateOfLoss: 'string?', dateOfLossIntimation: 'string?', surveyType: 'string?', localisedCropStage: 'string?', localisedCauseOfLoss: 'string?', localisedOnFieldCropCondition: 'string?', localisedAffectedArea: 'string?', localisedLoss: 'string?', localisedNameOfGovtOfficer: 'string?', localisedDesignationOfGovtOfficer: 'string?', localisedContactNumberOfGovtOfficer: 'string?', localisedExpectedDateOfHarvest: 'string?', localisedComments: 'string?', postHarvestCropStage: 'string?', postHarvestCauseOfLoss: 'string?', postHarvestOnFieldCropCondition: 'string?', postHarvestAffectedArea: 'string?', postHarvestLoss: 'string?', postHarvestNameOfGovtOfficer: 'string?', postHarvestDesignationOfGovtOfficer: 'string?', postHarvestContactNumberOfGovtOfficer: 'string?', postHarvestExpectedDateOfHarvest: 'string?', postHarvestComments: 'string?', geoCoordinatedOfTheAffectedField: 'mixed?', imageWithFarmerAndGovtOfficialsPhoto: 'mixed?', entireFieldPhoto: 'mixed?', lossAffectedAreaPhoto: 'mixed?', lossAffectedPlantPhoto: 'mixed?', neighbourFieldPhoto: 'mixed?', farmerPhotoId: 'mixed?', farmerKhasraOrSurveyCopyPhoto: 'mixed?', famerBankPassBookPhoto: 'mixed?', surveyClaimFormFilledAndSignedPhoto: 'mixed?', fieldPolygonPhoto: 'mixed?', photoOfFieldAlongWitFarmer: 'mixed?', captureVideoOfAffectedArea: 'mixed?', surveyorName: 'string?', claimsTeamComments: 'string?', surveyStatus: 'string?', vendorName: 'string?', surveyorID: 'string?', vendorID: 'string?', surveyorMobileNumber: 'string?', villageLatitude: 'string?', villageLongitude: 'string?', submittedDate: 'string?', draftDate: 'string?', filledDate: 'string?', farmerTab: 'bool', eventTab: 'bool', surveyTab: 'bool', postSurveTab: 'bool', MediaTab: 'bool', }, };

const cropsSchema = { name: 'crops', primaryKey: 'product', properties: { product: 'string', cropNames: 'mixed[]', }, };

const perilsSchema = { name: 'perils', primaryKey: 'id', properties: { id: 'string', perilList: 'string[]', }, };

const realm = new Realm({ schema: [surveyTaskSchema, perilsSchema, cropsSchema], });

const handleRealmTransaction = async (transactionFn: any) => { try { realm.write(async () => { await transactionFn(); }); } catch (error) { console.error('Realm transaction error:', error); } };

export const createCropsInRealm = (data: any) => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { realm.create('crops', data); }); };

export const getCrops = (name: any) => { try { return realm.objects('crops').filtered(product == "${name}"); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching crops:', error); return []; } };

export const getAllCrops = () => { try { return realm.objects('crops'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching all crops:', error); return []; } };

export const updateCrop = (productName: any, newCropNames: any) => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { const cropToUpdate = realm.objectForPrimaryKey('crops', productName); if (cropToUpdate) { cropToUpdate.cropNames = newCropNames; } else { console.log('Product not found'); } }); };

export const deleteAllCrops = () => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { const allCrops = realm.objects('crops'); realm.delete(allCrops); }); };

export const deleteSingleCrop = (name: any) => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { const productToDelete = realm.objectForPrimaryKey('crops', name); if (productToDelete) { realm.delete(productToDelete); } else { console.log('Product not found'); } }); };

export const deleteCropsByName = (cropName: any) => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { const productToDelete = realm.objectForPrimaryKey('crops', cropName); if (productToDelete) { realm.delete(productToDelete); } }); };

export const createPerilsInRealm = (data: any) => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { realm.create('perils', data); }); };

export const getRealmPerils = () => { try { return realm.objects('perils'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching perils:', error); return []; } };

export const createTask = async (data: any) => { await handleRealmTransaction(() => { realm.create('survey_task', data); }); };

export const getSingleTask = (id: any) => { try { return realm.objects('survey_task').filtered('id == $0', id); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching single task:', error); return []; } };

export const updateTask = async (id: any, newData: any) => { await handleRealmTransaction(() => { const task = realm.objectForPrimaryKey('survey_task', id); if (task) { Object.keys(newData).forEach(key => { task[key] = newData[key]; }); } }); };

export const deleteAllTheTasks = () => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { const allSurveyTasks = realm.objects('survey_task'); realm.delete(allSurveyTasks); }); };

export const getAllValues = () => { try { return realm.objects('survey_task').filtered(status != "Synchronised"); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching all values:', error); return []; } };

export const getValuesByStatus = (statusValue: any) => { try { const query = status == "${statusValue}"; return realm.objects('survey_task').filtered(query); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching values by status:', error); return []; } };

export const deleteSingleTask = (id: any) => { handleRealmTransaction(() => { const taskToDelete = realm.objectForPrimaryKey('survey_task', id); if (taskToDelete) { realm.delete(taskToDelete); } else { console.log('Task not found'); } }); };