realm / realm-java

Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
Apache License 2.0
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Integrate old plugin (below 4.0.0) for android project #7745

Closed DucLQ92 closed 1 year ago

DucLQ92 commented 1 year ago


I have an old android project, using android realm 2.3.1, it is too old, and actually upgrading to the latest realm version is quite difficult. I decided to install it offline. In fact, it is very difficult to find a repo containing such old versions at the moment, fortunately I found it but there seems to be a problem that in addition to the realm-gradle-plugin jar file, there is a need for the whole realm-transformer jar file, luck did not come this time. Can someone share with me the full set of jar files for realm under 4.0.0? or is there some other solution for this case? Thank you so much.


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rorbech commented 1 year ago

Hi @DucLQ92. According to it should still be available at

So you could try adding

maven { url = "" }

And see if you can find it there.

rorbech commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity. Please comment if you need more assistance.

rickytribbia commented 1 year ago

Mainaining an old project we've got:

Could not GET ''. Received status code 401 from server:

Any advice?