realm / realm-java

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Upgrading to Kotlin 1.8.20 throws Property "x" has been required migration error for private properties #7810

Closed alashow closed 5 months ago

alashow commented 1 year ago

How frequently does the bug occur?



I was upgrading to Kotlin 1.8.20 from 1.8.10 and the app was crashing with RealmMigrationNeededException:

I checked the history of our field and apparently it was changed from val id: String? = null to val id: String = "".

Writing a migration solves this:

                ?.setNullable("id", false)

Stacktrace & log output

No response

Can you reproduce the bug?


Reproduction Steps

I didn't try exactly to reproduce this on a clean setup yet, but simple steps are:

  1. Create database model with val id: String? = null field on Kotlin 1.8.10
  2. Run the app with above database
  3. Change the field to val id: String = "" on Kotlin 1.8.10
  4. Run the app again to see if it's working without migration
  5. Compile with Kotlin 1.8.20
  6. Run the app and expect described migration required error



What Atlas App Services are you using?

Local Database only

Are you using encryption?


Platform OS and version(s)

Android 13

Build environment

Android Studio version: 2022.2.1 RC 1 Android Build Tools version: 8.0.0 Gradle version: 8.0.0

cmelchior commented 1 year ago

Hi @alashow

I tried to reproduce this, but it failed. On Kotlin 1.8.10 I correctly got the migration error on step 4. I tried to reproduce it on our Kotlin sample here:

  1. Make sure that it uses Kotlin 1.8.10
  2. Compile and run the sample on an emulator
  3. Press the red stop button in Android Studio.
  4. Change to String? instead of String
  5. Press run again
  6. See it crashes on startup with a migration error:
 Caused by: io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException: Migration is required due to the following errors:  
    - Property '' has been made optional.

My guess is that you maybe hit a cache when testing this and so accidentally reinstalled something with the same schema?

bmarty commented 1 year ago

I have the issue too. Adding a migration fixes the issue (I need to add some fields to the migration though, the tests are still not passing)

claytongreen commented 1 year ago

I'm running into the same issue upgrading from 1.8.10 to 1.8.21 and created a repo to demonstrate the issue.

Instructions are in the readme:

rorbech commented 11 months ago

I have been investigating and it seems like Kotlin is not generating the org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull annotations that we rely on to derive nullability on private fields prior to Kotlin 1.8.20. This means that private properties have erroneously been marked as nullable when built with Kotlin version lower that 1.8.20.

I will have to instigate the details ... and consider the consequences and potential fixes of this behavior, but for now I can't really see a different option than actually doing a migration that updates the nullability for the affected properties. At least there shouldn't be any null-values to clear out and reason about as the compiler would have been enforcing not to set it to null, so it is only a matter of changing the nullability-property of the fields.

rorbech commented 10 months ago

There doesn't seems to be a good way around this, where we would not introduce further headaches along the way or cause potential new issues reasoning about the progression of the schema. So seems safest to leave as is. This means that the only option is to fix the mismatch of the old and new schema by: