realm / realm-java

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Sort by RealmDictionary values #7817

Closed KunNiu closed 1 year ago

KunNiu commented 1 year ago


I created field RealmDictionary, and now I want to query all dates with a specified key, then sort by it's value. Now I query out all specified values, and then sort the list myself. Can I complete the steps in one query?


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How important is this improvement for you?

I would like to have it but have a workaround

Feature would mainly be used with

Local Database only

KunNiu commented 1 year ago

More extras, if I sort the list by self, then I cannot use the change listener, because index changed.

rorbech commented 1 year ago

Hi @KunNiu. We are actually working on supporting this in our query engine in Unfortunately it hasn't been finalized yet, but once done you should be able to achieve this with an raw predicate like:

realm.where(Object::class).rawPredicate("ANY dictionaryField.@keys == 'KEY' SORT(dictionaryField['key'] DESC)").findAll()

Until that, I don't really see a way to listen for notifications and correlate with a result sorted by Kotlin/Java in one operation. There are options to query only objects with a given key in a dictionary field. You could maybe find a workaround where it is acceptable to just listen for the right updates and correlate with the sorted collection yourself by primary key or some other field.

val sortedObjects = realm.where(Object::class).rawPredicate("ANY dictionaryField.@keys == 'KEY'").findAll().sortedBy {
KunNiu commented 1 year ago

@rorbech thanks for your reply, I'm glaid to hear that, and do you have plan that when this feaure will be included in new release version?

rorbech commented 1 year ago

@KunNiu We just released 10.16.0 that includes this new feature.