realm / realm-js

Realm is a mobile database: an alternative to SQLite & key-value stores
Apache License 2.0
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RJS-2760: Adding `Realm.shutdown()` and fixing clean exit tests #6571

Closed kraenhansen closed 2 weeks ago

kraenhansen commented 1 month ago

What, How & Why?

This closes #6555, #5781, #4535, #6096, #6357, #4530, #3616 by adding a static Realm.shutdown method, which closes all Realms, cancels all pending calls, clears internal caches, resets the logger and collects garbage.

☑️ ToDos

kraenhansen commented 2 weeks ago

Rebased on main which has the changes we need with #6598.

kraenhansen commented 2 weeks ago

Coverage test is still crashing (#6589) but that's not new - I'll go ahead and merge with it.