Closed tmac24utm closed 4 months ago
➤ PM Bot commented:
Jira ticket: RJS-2863
@tmac24utm Thank you for your detailed description
@kraenhansen Can you take a look once you are back?
I've included a fix for the gradle lint error in #6737 and expect this to be included in the next upcoming release 👍
I now get an out of memory error on my azure dev ops pipeline.
This could be due to the fact that we're now including more (and larger) prebuilt binaries in the archive uploaded to NPM since v12.11.0.
My suggestions would be to either:
How frequently does the bug occur?
Let me preface by saying I assume this must be an issue with my setup, or there would be more reports. However, I can't seem to get by the lint error and it appears to be the patch for this that causes the other errors.
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}, "jest-junit": { "outputDirectory": "./__tests__/report", "outputName": "junit.xml", "uniqueOutputName": "false", "classNameTemplate": "{classname}-{title}", "titleTemplate": "{classname}-{title}", "ancestorSeparator": " › ", "usePathForSuiteName": "true" }, "resolutions": { "semantic-release-react-native": "patch:semantic-release-react-native@1.10.0#~/.yarn/patches/semantic-release-react-native-npm-1.9.0-b79f01d5ce.patch", "react-native-vector-icons": "patch:react-native-vector-icons@10.1.0#~/.yarn/patches/react-native-vector-icons-npm-10.1.0-78f5c98868.patch", "realm": "patch:realm@12.10.0#~/.yarn/patches/realm-npm-12.10.0-d9181246d0.patch" }, "packageManager": "yarn@4.3.1" } ```Issue on Version 12.10.0
I get a lint error when running gradle build.
Issue on Version 12.11.1
Removing the patch or reverting version fixes these errors
After updating, which still requires the patch (patch was updated to point at the new location under
), I now get an out of memory error on my azure dev ops pipeline. This doesn't happen locally, so really we can assume it's nothing to do with Realm, but this only happened once I updated to this version. This also doesn't happen all of the time, for example two or three builds passed this morning, but 10+ others have failed. Related yarn issue:
Slightly different error (happened one time):
Pipeline .yml (fails at
Install dependencies
):I tried multiple different things to fix this, including setting
(ado agents have 7gb memory), changing node version, yarn version etc.Separate 12.11.1 issue
I tried reverting to yarn 3.6.4 (the version used by new react native projects), and on this version, running
yarn install
causes it to "load" forever locally. This doesn't happen when trying yarn 3.6.4 on version 12.10.0Stacktrace & log output
Can you reproduce the bug?
Reproduction Steps
I can always reproduce the lint error. The yarn memory error is inconsistent.
To reproduce the lint error
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
yarn add realm
cd android
./gradlew build
To reproduce the yarn error
I assume this is a similar error, it just spins forever on install
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
yarn set version 3.6.4
(despite making a brand new project, my yarn version was set to 4.3.1. I'm sure this is a whole other issue)yarn add realm
ADO Error
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
yarn add realm
yarn patch realm
12.10.0 & 12.11.1
What services are you using?
Local Database only
Are you using encryption?
Platform OS and version(s)
macOS 14.5
Build environment
Yarn: 4.3.1 Gradle: 8.6
Cocoapods version