realm / realm-kotlin

Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.
Apache License 2.0
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[Realm] Unsupported type for RealmList: '' #1597

Open akardas16 opened 7 months ago

akardas16 commented 7 months ago


I want to store images in Bitmap in list but realm is not supporting Bitmap

class ImageData : RealmObject {
    var _id: ObjectId = ObjectId.invoke()

    var timestamp: RealmInstant =
    var bitmapList: RealmList<Bitmap> = realmListOf()


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How important is this improvement for you?

Fairly niche but nice to have anyway

Feature would mainly be used with

Local Database only

clementetb commented 7 months ago

Hi @akardas16. Yes, Bitmap is not supported; as a workaround, you can use a delegated property to add support for it, see this post.