realm / realm-kotlin

Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.
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Can't query by RealmInstant #1657

Closed michaellinder1995 closed 4 months ago

michaellinder1995 commented 4 months ago

How frequently does the bug occur?



Example class in kotlin sdk:

class Workout : RealmObject { /** PROPERTIES */ @PrimaryKey var id: RealmUUID = RealmUUID.random() var created: RealmInstant? = }

Example call (empty result):

val workouts = realm.query(Workout::class, query = “date < $0”,

Sadly i always get an empty result. No matter which direction of the comparison operator I'm using. I did’nt find anything in the documentation how to query Realminstant: 1

Anyone knows how to create the query or what datatype i should use instead? Currently my workaround would be to query all and then do the filtering with standard Kotlin function. But performance sucks.

Hope anyone can help.



kneth commented 4 months ago

In the class, the field is called created while you use date in the query. Is that a typing mistake?

michaellinder1995 commented 4 months ago

Oh shit :D

I had a second var var date: RealmInstant? = null

That wasn't set. Thanks so much!