realm / realm-kotlin

Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.
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Kotlin SDK does not run with R8/Proguard enabled #942

Closed DrirEmilius closed 1 year ago

DrirEmilius commented 2 years ago

SDK and version

SDK : Kotlin Realm Version: 1.0.1 (library base)


Crash log / stacktrace

2022-07-26 22:05:30.770 E/REALM: /Users/realm/workspace-realm-kotlin/releases/packages/cinterop/src/jvm/jni/java_class.cpp:49: [realm-core-12.1.0] Assertion failed: cls with (class_name) = ["io/realm/kotlin/internal/interop/sync/NetworkTransport"]

!!! IMPORTANT: Please report this at #### Steps & Code to Reproduce Build app using Realm with R8/Proguard minify enabled. Attempt to open realm crashes: private val config = RealmConfiguration.Builder(setOf(MessageObject::class, MediaObject::class, ResponseObject::class, ContactObject::class)).build() val realm =
rorbech commented 2 years ago

Hi @DrirEmilius.

We provide a proguard consumer file that should included the rules for our SDK to operate with minification/obfuscation as as part of our artifact. I cannot reproduce your observation with our sample app when enabling minification in the release configruation of

Have you maybe somehow disregarded our rules in your configuration?

DrirEmilius commented 2 years ago

Hi @rorbech,

Thank you for pointing me to the sample app. It gave me a starting point and I have it working now. I did have to rewrite the Proguard rules a bit to work for my situation as the package name seems to be different.

Package remapped: io.realm. --> io.realm.kotlin. -keep class io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmObject -keep class implements io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmObject { ; }

Added rule for everything in interop package: -keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.* { ; }

Removed as these seem to be absent entirely: -keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.mongodb.AppException { ; } -keep class io.realm.mongodb.SyncException { ; }

For reference I followed this installation instruction:

For reference: my now working realm related proguard rules. Please note: My app runs with these rules, however I'm unsure that these rules are suitable and comprehensive for all situations.

# Keep all classes implemeting the RealmObject interface
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmObject
-keep class * implements io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmObject { *; }
#-keep class **.$* implements io.realm.RealmObject { *; }

# Preserve all native method names and the names of their classes.
-keepclasseswithmembernames,includedescriptorclasses class * {
    native <methods>;

# Notification callback
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.NotificationCallback {

# Utils to convert core errors into Kotlin exceptions
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.CoreErrorUtils {

-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.JVMScheduler {

# Prevent all RealmObjects from having their companions stripped
-keep class ** implements io.realm.kotlin.internal.RealmObjectCompanion {

# Interop, sync-specific classes
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.NetworkTransport {
    # TODO OPTIMIZE Only keep actually required symbols
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.Response {
    # TODO OPTIMIZE Only keep actually required symbols
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.LongPointerWrapper {
    # TODO OPTIMIZE Only keep actually required symbols

# ==== Added
#-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.JVMSyncSessionTransferCompletionCallback {
#    *;
#-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.ResponseCallbackImpl {
#    *;
#-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.SubscriptionSetCallback {
#    *;
#-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.SyncBeforeClientResetHandler {
#   *;
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.** { *; }
# ==== End added

# ==== Removed

#-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.sync.mongodb.AppException {
    # TODO OPTIMIZE Only keep actually required symbols
#    *;
#-keep class io.realm.mongodb.SyncException {
    # TODO OPTIMIZE Only keep actually required symbols
#    *;
# ==== End removed

-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.SyncLogCallback {
    # TODO OPTIMIZE Only keep actually required symbols
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.SyncErrorCallback {
    # TODO OPTIMIZE Only keep actually required symbols
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.AppCallback {

# Un-comment for debugging
#-printconfiguration /tmp/full-r8-config.txt
#-keepattributes LineNumberTable,SourceFile
#-printusage /tmp/removed_entries.txt
#-printseeds /tmp/kept_entries.txt```
rorbech commented 2 years ago

@DrirEmilius Thanks for the feedback. The package renaming should already be included in our proguard file

Are you pointing to some old version?

And as previously highlighted, the build system normally automatically picks up the from each library and this works for our sample library, so maybe there is something conflicting in our configuration. Have you tried to remove any local configuration?

DrirEmilius commented 2 years ago


Your first link ( referenced an empty proguard file: ( I did search the history of the repository, which is probably how I ended up with an older version.

My apps build.gradle.kts uses the default proguardFiles(getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt"), "") I am not sure how that would mess with it picking up the I'm new to, and not yet too familiar with R8/Proguard.

I can confirm that manually placing the lines from to my (replacing my previous Realm related changes) works with one small correction:

# Utils to convert core errors into Kotlin exceptions
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.interop.CoreErrorUtils {


# Utils to convert core errors into Kotlin exceptions
-keep class io.realm.kotlin.internal.interop.CoreErrorUtils {