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Revoked permissions are not correctly updated using the retrievePermissions method #244

Closed Taco55 closed 5 years ago

Taco55 commented 7 years ago


To retrieve the (remaining) permissions of a specific realm after a permission has been revoked using the retrievePermissions method in the SyncUser class

Expected Results

Correct update of RLMSyncPermissionResults after a permission is revoked with retrievePermissions

Actual Results

Although revoking a permission seems to work correctly (as determined by the Permission Realm using the browser and indicated by the realm-object-server.log below), the 'RLMSyncPermissionResults` is not updated correctly.

Steps to Reproduce

Code Sample

public class func revokePermission(realmURL: String, userId: String, completionHandler: ((_ error: Error?) -> ())? = nil )  {

        guard let currentUser = SyncUser.current else { print("No syncUser is logged in"); return }

        // Get realmPath from realmURL
        let components = realmURL.components(separatedBy: "/")
        let realmPath = "/" + components[3] + "/" + components[4]

        // Get permissions before revoke
        let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "userId = %@ AND path = %@", userId, realmPath)
        currentUser.retrievePermissions { permissions, error in
            if let error = error { print(error); return }
            print("Permissions before revoke:")
            if let permissionsFiltered = permissions?.objects(with: predicate) {

        // Revoke permission
        let permission = SyncPermissionValue(realmPath: realmPath, userID: userId, accessLevel: .none)
        currentUser.revokePermission(permission) { error in
            if let error = error { completionHandler?(error); return }

             // Get permissions after revoke
            currentUser.retrievePermissions { permissions, error in
                if let error = error { print(error); return }
                print("Permissions after revoke:")
                if let permissionsFiltered = permissions?.objects(with: predicate) {

                    // Problem is here!
                    // The printed RLMSyncPermissionValue should not be available

                    print("This permission should have been revoked, but apparently is not...")

Version of Realm and Tooling


cat /var/log/realm-object-server.log 1310, scan_server_version=63, scan_client_version=13, latest_server_version=63, latest_server_session_ident=8294238167544798846) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.104Z - info: management: Succeed processing PermissionChange(id='%s...') 2017-07-31T19:25:57.129Z - info: sync-client: Opening Realm file: /var/lib/realm/object-server/internal_data/permission/b581c38ea11000261bbd16bdd526e2b9.realm 2017-07-31T19:25:57.129Z - info: sync-client: Connection[146]: Session[146]: Starting session for '/var/lib/realm/object-server/internal_data/permission/b581c38ea11000261bbd16bdd526e2b9.realm' 2017-07-31T19:25:57.130Z - info: sync-client: Connection[146]: Resolving ':::9080' 2017-07-31T19:25:57.130Z - info: sync-client: Connection[146]: Connecting to endpoint ':::9080' (1/1) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.130Z - info: sync-client: Connection[146]: Connected to endpoint ':::9080' (from '::1:43338') 2017-07-31T19:25:57.130Z - info: sync-client: Opening Realm file: /var/lib/realm/object-server/internal_data/permission/3c53068695fc90c10ad2856acb4848d3.realm 2017-07-31T19:25:57.131Z - info: sync-client: Connection[147]: Session[147]: Starting session for '/var/lib/realm/object-server/internal_data/permission/3c53068695fc90c10ad2856acb4848d3.realm' 2017-07-31T19:25:57.131Z - info: sync-client: Connection[147]: Resolving ':::9080' 2017-07-31T19:25:57.131Z - info: sync-client: Connection[147]: Connecting to endpoint ':::9080' (1/1) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.131Z - info: sync-client: Connection[147]: Connected to endpoint ':::9080' (from '::1:43340') 2017-07-31T19:25:57.140Z - info: sync: HTTP Connection[1163]: Connection from 2017-07-31T19:25:57.141Z - info: sync: HTTP Connection[1164]: Connection from 2017-07-31T19:25:57.141Z - info: sync: HTTP Connection[1163]: Received: Sync HTTP request(protocol_version=18) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.142Z - info: sync: HTTP Connection[1164]: Received: Sync HTTP request(protocol_version=18) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.143Z - info: sync-client: Connection[146]: Session[146]: Sending: BIND(server_path='/b581c38ea11000261bbd16bdd526e2b9/__permission', signed_user_token_size=469, need_file_ident_pair=0) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.143Z - info: sync-client: Connection[146]: Session[146]: Sending: IDENT(server_file_ident=1, client_file_ident=2, client_file_ident_secret=1981266536871627121, scan_server_version=63, scan_client_version=119, latest_server_version=63, latest_server_session_ident=2709820532315415532) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.144Z - info: sync-client: Connection[147]: Session[147]: Sending: BIND(server_path='/3c53068695fc90c10ad2856acb4848d3/__permission', signed_user_token_size=469, need_file_ident_pair=0) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.144Z - info: sync-client: Connection[147]: Session[147]: Sending: IDENT(server_file_ident=1, client_file_ident=2, client_file_ident_secret=5285274318804938393, scan_server_version=59, scan_client_version=116, latest_server_version=59, latest_server_session_ident=8344419782827238655) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.145Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1163]: Session[146]: Session initiated (session_ident=146). 2017-07-31T19:25:57.145Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1163]: Session[146]: Received: BIND(server_path=/b581c38ea11000261bbd16bdd526e2b9/__permission, signed_user_token='...ySl98JOzZEMC49sp8UaJxR5a6pIA==', need_file_ident_pair=0) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.146Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1164]: Session[147]: Session initiated (session_ident=147). 2017-07-31T19:25:57.146Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1164]: Session[147]: Received: BIND(server_path=/3c53068695fc90c10ad2856acb4848d3/__permission, signed_user_token='...ySl98JOzZEMC49sp8UaJxR5a6pIA==', need_file_ident_pair=0) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.170Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1161]: Session[87]: Session terminated (session_ident=87). 2017-07-31T19:25:57.170Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1161]: Connection closed by client: End of input 2017-07-31T19:25:57.181Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1164]: Session[147]: Received: IDENT(server_file_ident=1, client_file_ident=2, client_file_ident_secret=5285274318804938393, scan_server_version=59, scan_client_version=116, latest_server_version=59, latest_server_session_ident=8344419782827238655) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.185Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1163]: Session[146]: Received: IDENT(server_file_ident=1, client_file_ident=2, client_file_ident_secret=1981266536871627121, scan_server_version=63, scan_client_version=119, latest_server_version=63, latest_server_session_ident=2709820532315415532) 2017-07-31T19:25:57.189Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1162]: Session[89]: Session terminated (session_ident=89). 2017-07-31T19:25:57.189Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1162]: Connection closed by client: End of input 2017-07-31T19:25:57.221Z - info: sync-client: Closing Realm file: /var/lib/realm/object-server/internal_data/permission/3c53068695fc90c10ad2856acb4848d3.realm 2017-07-31T19:25:57.221Z - info: sync-client: Connection[147]: Session[147]: Sending: UNBIND 2017-07-31T19:25:57.222Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1164]: Session[147]: Session terminated (session_ident=147). 2017-07-31T19:25:57.222Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1164]: Connection closed by client: End of input 2017-07-31T19:25:57.225Z - info: sync-client: Closing Realm file: /var/lib/realm/object-server/internal_data/permission/b581c38ea11000261bbd16bdd526e2b9.realm 2017-07-31T19:25:57.225Z - info: sync-client: Connection[146]: Session[146]: Sending: UNBIND 2017-07-31T19:25:57.226Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1163]: Session[146]: Session terminated (session_ident=146). 2017-07-31T19:25:57.226Z - info: sync: Sync Connection[1163]: Connection closed by client: End of input
austinzheng commented 7 years ago

I think this is as simple as adding another predicate to the underlying Results to not show permissions with no rights at all.

Taco55 commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately not, the corresponding RLMSyncPermissionValue remains untouched...

This is the output:

Permission before revoke:

RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x174015dd0> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: b581c38ea11000261bbd16bdd526e2b9, path: /3c53068695fc90c10ad2856acb4848d3/data, access level: write

Permission after revoke:

RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x170018db0> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: b581c38ea11000261bbd16bdd526e2b9, path: /3c53068695fc90c10ad2856acb4848d3/data, access level: write
This permission should have been revoked, but apparently is not...

In the meanwhile, I also observed that sometimes not all permissions are retrieved with retrievePermission (i.e. they differ from the permission Realm). Unfortunately, I couldn't find out when this is exactly the case, but it is probably related to the issue described above, which always occurs.

austinzheng commented 7 years ago

This seems like a server-side issue.

austinzheng commented 7 years ago

Can you provide us a reproduction case showing this issue please? I have not been able to reproduce this.

Taco55 commented 7 years ago

@austinzheng: I had some difficulty to find time for creating a reproduction case, and it took some time to discover where the issue exactly occurs in order to minimize the case. Hopefully, this case illustrates the problem.

Although it seems that permissions can be changed correctly, the output of retrievePermissions is not updated accordingly. What does not help to validate this, is that the permission Realms seem not to be accessible with the RealmBrowser anymore? Is that correct?

The reproduction case of the project below can be used as follows:

  • Create a project and copy-paste the code in AppDelegate.swift
  • Create 2 users from within the web dashboard: username:, password: user1 username:, password: user2
  • Copy paste the user id's and put these in AppDelegate.swift
  • The first time the app is started, a demo Realm is created and user1 provides permission to user2. The output will be like:
    Permissions of user1
    RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7fb750c09b30> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405, path: /964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405/permissiondemo, access level: admin,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94, path: /964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405/permissiondemo, access level: write
    Permissions of user2
    RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7fb753a0fdf0> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94, path: /964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405/permissiondemo, access level: write,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94, path: /14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94/permissiondemo, access level: admin
  • The second time the app is started, user1 provides permission to user2 again, but this permission is not updated correctly (even when the permission is not "reapplied", the permissions are not correctly retrieved):
    Permissions of user1
    RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7fe970c08e40> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405, path: /964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405/permissiondemo, access level: admin
    Permissions of user2
    RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7fe970e125b0> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94, path: /964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405/permissiondemo, access level: write,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94, path: /14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94/permissiondemo, access level: admin

Copy-paste the following code in AppDelegate.swift

import UIKit
import RealmSwift

struct HostConstants {
    static let host = "localhost"
    static let appPath = "permissiondemo"
    static let syncServerURL = URL(string: "realm://\(host):9080/")!
    static let realmURL = syncServerURL.appendingPathComponent("~/\(appPath)")
    static let serverURL = URL(string: "http://\(host):9080")!

struct Credentials {
    var id: String
    var username: String
    var password: String

    init(username: String, password: String, id: String) {
        self.username = username
        self.password = password = id

let user1: Credentials = Credentials(username: "", password: "user1", id: "964ba21419474766d1778ae848622405")
let user2: Credentials = Credentials(username: "", password: "user2", id: "14d34e6b3fcd20ff2aaec1cab94a9b94")

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        SyncManager.shared.logLevel = .warn

        let users = SyncUser.all

        return true

    func initialize() {
        let credentials = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: user1.username, password: user1.password, register: false)
        SyncUser.logIn(with: credentials, server: HostConstants.serverURL) { realmUser, error in
            if let error = error { print(error); return }
            guard let user = realmUser else { return }

            // Set default Realm
            let configuration = Realm.Configuration(
                inMemoryIdentifier: "inMemoryRealm",
                syncConfiguration: SyncConfiguration(user: user, realmURL: HostConstants.realmURL),
                schemaVersion: 1,
                migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in }
            Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = configuration

            // Open default Realm asynchronously to ensure that the Realm exists before permissions changed
            // e.g. when the user is just created
            Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration) { realm, error in

                // Change permission of user2
                let components = HostConstants.realmURL.absoluteString.components(separatedBy: "/")
                let realmPath = "/" + components[3] + "/" + components[4]
                let permission = SyncPermissionValue(realmPath: realmPath, userID:, accessLevel: .write)
                user.applyPermission(permission) { error in
                    if let error = error { print(error); return }

                    // Get permissions
                    SyncUser.current!.retrievePermissions { permissions, error in
                        if let error = error { print(error); return }
                        guard let permissions = permissions else { print("No permissions found"); return }
                        print("Permissions of user1\n", permissions)


    func loginUser2() {
        if let user = SyncUser.current { user.logOut() }

        let credentials = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: user2.username, password: user2.password, register: false)
        SyncUser.logIn(with: credentials, server: HostConstants.serverURL) { realmUser, error in
            if let error = error { print(error); return }
            guard let user = realmUser else { return }

            // Set default Realm
            let configuration = Realm.Configuration(
                inMemoryIdentifier: "inMemoryRealm",
                syncConfiguration: SyncConfiguration(user: user, realmURL: HostConstants.realmURL),
                schemaVersion: 1,
                migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in }
            Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = configuration

            // Open default Realm asynchronously to ensure that the Realm exists before permissions changed
            // e.g. when the user is just created
            Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration) { realm, error in

                // Get permissions
                SyncUser.current!.retrievePermissions { permissions, error in
                    if let error = error { print(error); return }
                    guard let permissions = permissions else { print("No permissions found"); return }

                    print("Permissions of user2\n",permissions)
Taco55 commented 7 years ago

In addition to my previous comment, I made a more detailed observation. In the following example user1 provides (write) permission to user2 and user3.

When retrievePermission is used to determine the permissions the output is:

  • applied on user1: correctly indicating permission of user2, neglecting permission of user3
  • applied on user2: correctly indicating users' permission
  • applied on user3: correctly indicating users' permission

When user1 reapplies permission to user2 and user3, the output is:

  • applied on user1: neglecting permission of user2, correctly indicating permission of user3
  • applied on user2: neglecting users' permission
  • applied on user3: correctly indicating users' permission

This confirms that retrievePermission does not provide the permission status of a SyncUser reliable.

Currently, this issue is tagged as "Help", but I am quite confident that this is an ordinary bug.

The exact output of the code below this post is:

First run:

Permissions of (id: 2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727:
 RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7fcfa840def0> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727, path: /2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727/permissiondemo, access level: admin,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd, path: /2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727/permissiondemo, access level: write
Permissions of (id: 5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd:
 RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7fcfaa80d9c0> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd, path: /2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727/permissiondemo, access level: write,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd, path: /5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd/permissiondemo, access level: admin
Permissions of (id: d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123:
 RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7fcfaa80d780> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123, path: /2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727/permissiondemo, access level: write,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123, path: /d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123/permissiondemo, access level: admin

Second run (after reapplying permissions):

Permissions of (id: 2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727:
 RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7faf55907090> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727, path: /2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727/permissiondemo, access level: admin,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123, path: /2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727/permissiondemo, access level: write
Permissions of (id: 5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd:
 RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7faf55904eb0> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: 5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd, path: /5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd/permissiondemo, access level: admin
Permissions of (id: d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123:
 RLMSyncPermissionResults <0x7faf5270b470> (
    [0] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123, path: /2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727/permissiondemo, access level: write,
    [1] <RLMSyncPermissionValue> user ID: d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123, path: /d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123/permissiondemo, access level: admin


import UIKit
import RealmSwift

struct HostConstants {
    static let host = "localhost"
    static let appPath = "permissiondemo"
    static let syncServerURL = URL(string: "realm://\(host):9080/")!
    static let realmURL = syncServerURL.appendingPathComponent("~/\(appPath)")
    static let serverURL = URL(string: "http://\(host):9080")!

struct Credentials {
    var id: String
    var username: String
    var password: String

    init(username: String, password: String, id: String) {
        self.username = username
        self.password = password = id

let user1: Credentials = Credentials(username: "", password: "user1", id: "2ab50442b446c9ad74cd9676fb149727")
let user2: Credentials = Credentials(username: "", password: "user2", id: "5183569e0ac9cccd2d1dc6ff3310e7cd")
let user3: Credentials = Credentials(username: "", password: "user3", id: "d80eb421a5e4f00aa3606cb6118e6123")

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        SyncManager.shared.logLevel = .warn

        // Set permissions and retrieve permissions for all users
        self.setPermissionUser1() {
            self.retrievePermission(for: user1) {
                self.retrievePermission(for: user2) {
                    self.retrievePermission(for: user3) {
        return true

    func setPermissionUser1(completionHandler: (() -> ())? ) {
        let credentials = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: user1.username, password: user1.password, register: false)
        SyncUser.logIn(with: credentials, server: HostConstants.serverURL) { realmUser, error in
            if let error = error { print(error); return }

            // Ensure that a Realm exists before permissions are changed
            guard let user = realmUser else { return }
            let config = self.getRealmConfiguration(for:user)
            Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { realm, error in
                let components = HostConstants.realmURL.absoluteString.components(separatedBy: "/")
                let realmPath = "/" + components[3] + "/" + components[4]

                // Change permission of user2
                let permission = SyncPermissionValue(realmPath: realmPath, userID:, accessLevel: .write)
                user.applyPermission(permission) { error in
                    if let error = error { print(error); return }

                    // Change permission of user3
                    let permission = SyncPermissionValue(realmPath: realmPath, userID:, accessLevel: .write)
                    user.applyPermission(permission) { error in
                        if let error = error { print(error); return }

    func retrievePermission(for customuser: Credentials, completionHandler: (() -> ())?) {
        if let user = SyncUser.current { user.logOut() }
        let credentials = SyncCredentials.usernamePassword(username: customuser.username, password: customuser.password, register: false)
        SyncUser.logIn(with: credentials, server: HostConstants.serverURL) { realmUser, error in
            if let error = error { print(error); return }

            // Ensure that a Realm exists before permissions are changed
            guard let user = realmUser else { return }
            let config = self.getRealmConfiguration(for:user)
            Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: config) { realm, error in
                // Get permissions
                SyncUser.current!.retrievePermissions { permissions, error in
                    if let error = error { print(error); return }
                    guard let permissions = permissions else { print("No permissions found"); return }
                    print("Permissions of \(customuser.username) (id: \(\n", permissions)

    func getRealmConfiguration(for user: SyncUser) -> Realm.Configuration {
        let configuration = Realm.Configuration(
            inMemoryIdentifier: "inMemoryRealm",
            syncConfiguration: SyncConfiguration(user: user, realmURL: HostConstants.realmURL),
            schemaVersion: 1,
            migrationBlock: { migration, oldSchemaVersion in }
        return configuration
austinzheng commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the data. The Realm Object Server team is aware that there is a bug with retrieving permissions and are working on fixing it. If I have any further information to share I'll post in this thread.

APUtils commented 7 years ago

If i try to create several synced realms together and then asks for retrievePermissions only first is returned. I have to dispatch them async one after another to make it work. Seems related.

bmunkholm commented 6 years ago

@austinzheng @APUtils @Taco55 Is this still a problem with ROS 2.0?

austinzheng commented 6 years ago

To elaborate, ROS 2.0's permissions system was rewritten from ground up, so this problem should be gone now. If it's still around we'd be very interested in any reports, so we can figure out how to fix it.

Taco55 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for my late reply. Unfortunately, I had to stop using ROS due to this and other issues. With the recent updates I just tried it again and spent several hours on the permission functionality. Although applying permissions work well now, revoking permissions does still not work correctly (or they are not retrieved correctly).

This is quite disappointing and it feels that it has not been tested thoroughly.

I created a new example for ROS 2.6.0 and Swift 3.1. Since this issue is already closed and the permission system is rewritten (and the issue might be different now), I opened a new issue at #334.

roberhofer commented 5 years ago

Issue moved to realm/docs-platform #249 via ZenHub

roberhofer commented 5 years ago

I think I mixed things up. Apologize. Re-opening.

bmunkholm commented 5 years ago

Issue moved to realm/docs-platform #250 via ZenHub

bmunkholm commented 5 years ago

The new "Transfer Issue" from github does not work well with zenhub yet. It appears in zenhub as if this issue is still in another repo, but it's not.