realm / realm-swift

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uncaught exception in notifier thread: N5realm10LogicErrorE: Bad version number #4497

Closed parghki-mfcgd closed 7 years ago

parghki-mfcgd commented 7 years ago

I have integrated realm cocoa using carthage dependency tool. Here is the configuration that i have used,

Xcode : 8.2.1 Carthage File : github "realm/realm-cocoa" ~> 2.1.2 OS X : 10.11.5

I have tried different version of realm cocoa but "Bad Version Number" exception occurs in each version of realm cocoa.

Here i have mentioned stack trace which i got during this exception:

warning: could not load any Objective-C class information. This will significantly reduce the quality of type information available. thread #1: tid = 0x545ed, 0x015de212 Realm-[RLMRealm beginWriteTransaction](self=<unavailable>, _cmd=<unavailable>) + 94 at, queue = '' frame #0: 0x015de212 Realm-[RLMRealm beginWriteTransaction](self=, _cmd=) + 94 at [opt] frame #1: 0x0062ee54 RealmSwiftRealmSwift.Realm.write (() throws -> ()) throws -> () + 52 at Realm.swift:808 frame #2: 0x00114630 SumondoSync.(type=Session, items=1 value, self=0x18841900)(Type, items : [Uploadable]) -> () + 152 at Sync.swift:344 frame #3: 0x0010c668 SumondoSync.(response=Alamofire.Response<AnyObject, Foundation.NSError> @ 0x005dab04, self=0x18841900, type=Session, items=1 value)(Type, items : [Uploadable]) -> ()).(closure #1) + 276 at Sync.swift:160 frame #4: 0x008289f4 Alamofirepartial apply forwarder for reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@owned Alamofire.Response<ObjC.NSData, ObjC.NSError>) -> (@unowned ()) to @callee_owned (@in Alamofire.Response<ObjC.NSData, ObjC.NSError>) -> (@unowned ()) + 152 at ResponseSerialization.swift:0 frame #5: 0x008284cc Alamofiregeneric specialization <Alamofire.ResponseSerializer<Swift.AnyObject, __ObjC.NSError> with Alamofire.ResponseSerializer<Swift.AnyObject, __ObjC.NSError> : Alamofire.ResponseSerializerType in Alamofire, __ObjC.NSError with __ObjC.NSError : Swift.ErrorType in Foundation, Swift.AnyObject> of Alamofire.Request.(response <A where A: Alamofire.ResponseSerializerType> (queue : Swift.Optional<__ObjC.OS_dispatch_queue>, responseSerializer : A, completionHandler : (Alamofire.Response<A.SerializedObject, A.ErrorObject>) -> ()) -> Self).(closure #1).(closure #1) + 192 at ResponseSerialization.swift:142 frame #6: 0x02f0db7e libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_call_block_and_release + 10 frame #7: 0x02f0db6a libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_client_callout + 22 frame #8: 0x02f12654 libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 1680 frame #9: 0x22ac9b6c CoreFoundation__CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 8 frame #10: 0x22ac8066 CoreFoundation__CFRunLoopRun + 1574 frame #11: 0x22a17228 CoreFoundationCFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520 frame #12: 0x22a17014 CoreFoundationCFRunLoopRunInMode + 108 frame #13: 0x24007ac8 GraphicsServicesGSEventRunModal + 160 frame #14: 0x270eb188 UIKitUIApplicationMain + 144 frame #15: 0x000ea5d8 Sumondomain + 172 at AppDelegate.swift:18 frame #16: 0x226bf872 libdyld.dylibstart + 2

thread #4: tid = 0x54611, 0x227942f8 libsystem_kernel.dylibkevent_qos + 24, queue = '' frame #0: 0x227942f8 libsystem_kernel.dylibkevent_qos + 24 frame #1: 0x02f1e470 libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_mgr_invoke + 256 frame #2: 0x02f0f83e libdispatch.dylib_dispatch_mgr_thread + 38

austinzheng commented 7 years ago

Thanks for getting in touch with us, and sorry you're having this problem. We're already tracking this issue in #4422, so I'm going to close this ticket. Please follow that one for updates.

bmunkholm commented 7 years ago

@kirtiparghi You didn't use the issues template which actually has an important question: Are you able to replicate this problem reliably? Any repo case/app would be really useful to move us further. Thanks!