realnc / hugor

A cross-platform, multimedia interpreter for Hugo adventure games.
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 5 forks source link

Stable release for Qt5 #2

Closed tomyun closed 5 years ago

tomyun commented 7 years ago

It seems the current stable version requires Qt4, while there has been some work going on in this repository to support Qt5. Given its last release was 4 years ago, do you have any plan for releasing a new stable build with Qt5 anytime soon?

Homebrew package manager for macOS currently provides 1.0 version of hugor (Homebrew/homebrew-games#365), but needs transition to Qt5 before Homebrew completely removes Qt4 dependencies due to its obsolete support on the latest macOS (Homebrew/homebrew-core#1705).

realnc commented 7 years ago

I have no ETA yet for the next release. Could be very soon or could take a while.

tomyun commented 7 years ago

FYI, hugor formula has been removed from homebrew-games tap for now (Homebrew/homebrew-games#752). Feel free to let us know when hugor becomes Qt5-ready, then we'd love to bring it back.

realnc commented 7 years ago

I will close this issue when I prepare a new version. So just monitor the issue.

realnc commented 5 years ago

Closing, since version 2.0 is now out. It only supports Qt 5.5 and up (5.12 is in homebrew so that's not a problem) and SDL 2.

If you intend to create a formula for it, the deps are:

pkg-config Qt Widgets SDL 2 FluidSynth >=2.0.4 (1.x does not work) libmpg123 libsndfile libopenmpt libVLC >= 3.0.0 libVLC ffmpeg plugin

There's an uncommon dependency for OPL3 emulation: libADLMIDI, but current Git master is needed. This is why OPL3 emulation is disabled by default and must be enabled explicitly with CONFIG+=adlmidi.

If Homebrew can not provide libVLC + the ffmpeg plugin, then video support must be disabled with CONFIG+=disable-video. (There's a gstreamer option for video support, but it's not useful since current gstreamer versions have huge issues with the video format used in Hugo games. There's also a QtMultimedia backend, but it's an experiment, not documented, and mostly doesn't work because QtMultimedia isn't very suitable for this.)

Note that the binary macOS release of Hugor ships with both video and OPL3 emulation enabled, so the Homebrew version is unfortunately going to be a degraded version of the app. Hopefully libVLC can be put in Homebrew in the future, and libADLMIDI will see a suitable stable release in the future.