Open Laksh-Devloper opened 4 years ago
This is very simple mistake which beginner will always end up with.
if randNo == 1: comp == "r" elif randNo == 2: comp == "p" elif randNo == 3: comp == "s"
here use single = for assignment of values instead of ==..
` '''This code is not giving error but i dont know why the "comp" value is always none. its not changing even through random module and its functions . please help me ''' import random
def game(comp , player): if player == comp: return None elif comp == "r": if player == "s": return False elif player == "p": return True
elif comp == "s": if player == "p": return False elif player == "r": return True
elif comp == "p": if player == "r": return False elif player == "s": return True
comp = print("Comp Turn: Rock , Papers, Scissors: ") randNo = random.randint(1 , 3) if randNo == 1: comp == "r" elif randNo == 2: comp == "p" elif randNo == 3: comp == "s"
player = input("Your Turn: Rock(r) , Papers(p) , Scissors(s) : ")
result = game( comp , player)
print("Computer chose" , comp) print("You chose`" , player)
if result == None: print("The game is tied") elif result: print("You Won") else: print("You Lose")
''' the "comp" value is showing none type, i want it to be str. i tried converting it but it not worked plzzz help masters. anyone professional here to help`'''