realriot / tvheadend-ng.bundle

TV-Headend Next Generation Plex Plugin
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
85 stars 47 forks source link

Issue 27 is still occuring in latest Pull #46

Open Fmstrat opened 8 years ago

Fmstrat commented 8 years ago


I'm using the latest Plex Home Theater and Plex Media Server and having the same issue as in

I've tried this in PHT on OSX and in PHT on Rasplex and the can't play media error occurs. Everything works fine on Android and in Chrome. Any idea how I can help debug this further? This is what shows up in the logs:

23:39:19 T:140735188366080  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: plexserver:///video/tvheadend-ng/PlayMedia?url=http%3A%2F%2Fadmin%3A<pass>%40tv-vm%3A9981%2Fstream%2Fchannel%2Fdac2c2de2b8e061cfc8a88f44c6a2fa3%3Fprofile%3Dpass
23:39:19 T:140735188366080 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
23:39:19 T:4537589760  NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
23:39:19 T:4537589760  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
23:39:19 T:4537589760   ERROR: Open - failed to open source <plexserver://<40CHARACTERS>/video/tvheadend-ng/PlayMedia?url=http%3A%2F%2Fadmin%3A<pass>%40tv-vm%3A9981%2Fstream%2Fchannel%2Fdac2c2de2b8e061cfc8a88f44c6a2fa3%3Fprofile%3Dpass>
23:39:19 T:4537589760   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [plexserver://<40CHARACTERS>/video/tvheadend-ng/PlayMedia?url=http%3A%2F%2Fadmin%3A<pass>%40tv-vm%3A9981%2Fstream%2Fchannel%2Fdac2c2de2b8e061cfc8a88f44c6a2fa3%3Fprofile%3Dpass]
23:39:19 T:4537589760  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
23:39:19 T:4537589760  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
23:39:19 T:140735188366080   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plexserver://<40CHARACTERS>/video/tvheadend-ng/:/function/createTVChannelObject?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQo2CmRpY3QKZGljdApkaWN0Cmxpc3QKbGlzdApsaXN0CjUKczE3ClBsZXggSG9tZSBUaGVhdGVyczgKY3Byb2R1Y3RiMXM5CmNvbnRhaW5lcnMxNwpQbGV4IEhvbWUgVGhlYXRlcnM5CmNwbGF0Zm9ybXIxCnM4CmNoYW5pbmZvcjIKczcKY2hhbm5lbDgKczUKMDE6MDJzOAplcGdfc3RvcHMxOQpTYXR1cmRheSBOaWdodCBMaXZlczkKZXBnX3RpdGxlczUKMjM6MjlzOQplcGdfc3RhcnRiMHMxNwpzZXJ2aWNlX2VuY3J5cHRlZGk1NTgwMDAwCnMxMgplcGdfZHVyYXRpb25zMzYKSG9zdCBMYXJyeSBEYXZpZDsgVGhlIDE5NzUgcGVyZm9ybXMuczE1CmVwZ19kZXNjcmlwdGlvbnMwCnMxMQplcGdfc3VtbWFyeXMxCjBzMTIKc2VydmljZV90eXBlMTMKczMyCmRhYzJjMmRlMmI4ZTA2MWNmYzhhODhmNDRjNmEyZmEzczQKdXVpZHIzCnM0CnRhZ3N1MApzNwpib3VxdWV0aTAKczEyCmR2cl9wc3RfdGltZXI0CnM3CmVwZ2dyYWJiMXM3CmVuYWJsZWRzNAoxMC4xczYKbnVtYmVyczcKV0NBVS1UVnM0Cm5hbWVzMjkKaHR0cDovL3R2LXZtL3R2aWNvbnMvMTAuMS5naWZzMTUKaWNvbl9wdWJsaWNfdXJscjUKczgKc2VydmljZXNiMXM3CmVwZ2F1dG9pMApzMTIKZHZyX3ByZV90aW1lczI5Cmh0dHA6Ly90di12bS90dmljb25zLzEwLjEuZ2lmczQKaWNvbjMKczMyCjM3Y2Q4ZGMwYTJmYjRhYjIxYjZlYzhiYzdiNGJkNmYxczMyCjZmOTM1YzdhODE3ZmFmODQzMTAyNzBlYjM2Nzk5ZGU1czMyCjJhZDZjMmVjNWVhMTVlMmQ2NGUxMDU0ODhmMDVhOTkwMQpzMjgKeG1sdHZ8STE5NjEzLmxhYnMuemFwMml0LmNvbTIKczMyCjU3YmI2MWFlODM0OTZmYWYzNGZkNWU5NDZkOWI1Y2QwczMyCjBkYjRjYTY0NjhmY2ZjMDk3MjM2YzMzMWRiYzZlMzNlcjAK]
23:39:19 T:140735188366080  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
23:39:19 T:140735188366080 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
23:39:19 T:140735188366080  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
23:39:19 T:140735188366080  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
Fmstrat commented 8 years ago

A couple of things I've noticed are making me wonder if this has something to do with transcoding. When using an Android client, I see this in the log:

eb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): Direct Play is disabled
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): container is unavailable for analysis
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): media must be transcoded in order to use the hls protocol
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): no direct play video profile exists for http//
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): no direct play video profile exists for http///
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): codec is unavailable for analysis
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): codec is unavailable for analysis
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): no remuxable profile found, so video stream will be transcoded
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): codec is unavailable for analysis
Feb 07, 2016 08:50:31 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - MDE: WCAU-TV (from TVHeadend): selected media 0 / -1

Notice how direct play is disabled. This never comes up when using PHT. But, when using PHT, I get things like this:

Feb 07, 2016 08:48:36 [0x7f5a1023b700] DEBUG - Completed: [] GET /video/tvheadend-ng/PlayMedia?url=http%3a%2f%2fadmin%3a3<pass>%40tv-vm%3a9981%2fstream%2fchannel%2fdac2c2de2b8e061cfc8a88f44c6a2fa3%3fprofile%3dpass (15 live) TLS 7ms 385 bytes 302 (pipelined: 21)
Feb 07, 2016 08:48:36 [0x7f59eaf2b700] DEBUG - Request: [] GET /:/timeline?containerKey=%2fplayQueues%2f&duration=3600000&key=%2fvideo%2ftvheadend-ng%2f%3a%2ffunction%2fcreateTVChannelObject%3ffunction_args%<long string>_&playQueueVersion&ratingKey=dac2c2de2b8e061cfc8a88f44c6a2fa3&state=stopped&time=0&X-Plex-Token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (15 live) TLS
Feb 07, 2016 08:48:36 [0x7f59eaf2b700] ERROR - Had trouble breaking playQueueVersion
Feb 07, 2016 08:48:36 [0x7f59eaf2b700] ERROR - ERROR: Parsing request failed.

And none of those calls exist when using the Android client. Hope this helps.

I should also note I attempted force transcoding in PHT, no luck. Also attempted in PHT on Windows with the same result. So, I'm thinking transcoding, or something in the setup of TVHeadEnd that the plugin doesn't like. Happy to share whatever configurations I have.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Ah, so I am not the only one trying to deal with this issue. Have anyone come up with a solution yet?

Chluz commented 8 years ago

Hi all, also seeing this error. I would really like to be able to get this to work on rasplex.

chadbaum commented 8 years ago

Have same issue on OpenPHT. Works fine in Chrome browser.