realthunder / FreeCAD_assembly3

Experimental attempt for the next generation assembly workbench for FreeCAD
GNU General Public License v3.0
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trouble compiling. #148

Closed J-Dunn closed 5 years ago

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

Hi , I'm having trouble compiling on Fedora29 with gcc 8.2.1 , I have FreeCAD-master building fine so most deps should be satisfied. cMake runs OK but the build fails after about 30 min. :

[ 56%] Building CXX object src/Gui/CMakeFiles/FreeCADGui.dir/View3DViewerPy.cpp.o
/svn/FreeCAD-LinkStage3/src/Gui/View3DInventorViewer.cpp: In member function ‘void Gui::View3DInventorViewer::viewSelection()’:
/svn/FreeCAD-LinkStage3/src/Gui/View3DInventorViewer.cpp:2825:49: error: ‘virtual void SoCamera::viewBoundingBox(const SbBox3f&, float, float)’ is protected within this context
In file included from /usr/include/Coin3/Inventor/nodes/SoOrthographicCamera.h:28,
                 from /svn/FreeCAD-LinkStage3/src/Gui/View3DInventorViewer.cpp:56:
/usr/include/Coin3/Inventor/nodes/SoCamera.h:115:16: note: declared protected here
   virtual void viewBoundingBox(const SbBox3f & box, float aspect,
In file included from /usr/include/Coin3/Inventor/SbBox.h:33,

Any help on what I need to do to get this to build here?

Many thanks.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

Just to be clear, I'm having a problem building LinkStage3, not assembly3.

ceremcem commented 5 years ago

I have FreeCAD-master building fine so most deps should be satisfied

Nope, we can't say that. You may take a look at the script which installs the all dependencies needed.

realthunder commented 5 years ago

The problem is cause by an out-dated libcoin installation on your system. Please check out the FreeCAD build instruction here, expand the Fedora section. Quoting here

coin3-devel (if coin2 is the latest available for your version of Fedora, use packages from

You may also want to build pivy, the Python binding for coin

pivy ( Pivy is not mandatory but needed for the Draft module)

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

thanks, you sound quite sure but what are you calling "out-dated". I do have Coin3:

# dnf install Coin3-devel Coin3
Last metadata expiration check: 0:05:40 ago on Wed 28 Nov 2018 23:36:44 GMT.
Package Coin3-devel-3.1.3-23.fc29.x86_64 is already installed.
Package Coin3-3.1.3-23.fc29.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

# dnf remove Coin2-devel Coin2
No match for argument: Coin2-devel
No match for argument: Coin2
Error: No packages marked for removal
J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

... plus I don't really get the point about pivy. I have distro pivy . What is the relevance of the that old 2012 bug?

dnf install python2-pivy
Last metadata expiration check: 0:22:00 ago on Wed 28 Nov 2018 23:36:44 GMT.
Package python2-pivy-0.5.0-21.hg609.fc29.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.

I built FreeCAD-master without specifying external_PIVY flags , so I was under the impression was rebuilt during that process. Is that different on your linkStage3 ?

realthunder commented 5 years ago

I have just made a commit to fix build when using Coin3. You should be able to build now.

I also found a thread regarding the Coin version on Fedora. Apparently Fedora has no official build for Coin4. And since one of the member mentioned that there are known bugs in Coin3 that affects FC, you may want to build Coin4 yourself, from the official repo. And if you choose to build Coin yourself, then you have to build pivy as well.

realthunder commented 5 years ago

I built FreeCAD-master without specifying external_PIVY flags , so I was under the impression was rebuilt during that process. Is that different on your linkStage3 ?

FreeCAD source no longer include pivy, so that flag should have no effect now. You can find pivy source here

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

many thanks. I have built Coin4 but pivy from that link does not seem to get off the ground:

python build
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 96, in <module>
    class pivy_build(build):
  File "", line 168, in pivy_build
    QTINFO = qtinfo.QtInfo()
  File "/svn/pivy-master/", line 14, in __init__
    getattr(self, thing)
  File "/svn/pivy-master/", line 29, in getLibsPath
    return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_LIBS")
  File "/svn/pivy-master/", line 68, in getProperty
    self._dict[prop_name] = self._getProperty(prop_name)
  File "/svn/pivy-master/", line 57, in _getProperty
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 394, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 1047, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rfind'

Shame Fed is not more on the ball with this stuff. Don't like having to depend on this much out of tree package builds. This is getting a bit crazy. Though I'm sure the end result will be interesting.

realthunder commented 5 years ago

According to the error message, pivy setup is looking for qmake. I am not sure why it can't be found, as it should be installed along with qt dependency.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

qmake is part of qt-devel on Fedora but it seems the binary is called qmake-qt4

I guess all the parallel qt versions have to avoid clashing. I can symlink as a work around, is that the right way to fix this?

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

well no. That did not fix it. It seems my inexpert eye that something is failing to return a value and thus the rfind is not present because it's a null object.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

I hacked it to look for qmake-qt4 and it got further:

  File "", line 229, in check_with_cmake
    if config_dict['SOQT_FOUND'] == 'false':
KeyError: 'SOQT_FOUND'

I thought SoQt was not needed if I went down this way. Do I need to install distro's SoQt again?

realthunder commented 5 years ago

FC does not use SoQt, but official pivy use it. FC fork of pivy is supposedly patch to allow build without SoQt. But there seems to be some bug here in setup. Try change

if config_dict['SOQT_FOUND'] == 'false':


if config_dict.get('SOQT_FOUND','false') == 'false':

And you probably need to comment out the following two lines

        if not bool(self.cmake_config_dict['SOQT_FOUND']):
            raise(RuntimeError('soqt was not found, but you need soqt to build pivy'))
J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

Am I the only person building and testing this ?? I guess that's a result of providing binaries.

checking for COIN via cmake

checking for SOQT via cmake

disable soqt, because cmake couldn't find it
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 667, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/", line 151, in setup
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/", line 953, in run_commands
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/", line 972, in run_command
  File "", line 589, in run
  File "", line 454, in pivy_configure
  File "", line 235, in check_with_cmake
    if not bool(self.cmake_config_dict['COIN_FOUND']):
KeyError: 'COIN_FOUND'

I built and installed Coin4 but it also seems to get a null when looking for it.

ls /usr/local/lib64/cmake/Coin-4.0.0
coin-config.cmake  coin-config-version.cmake  coin-export.cmake  coin-export-release.cmake
J-Dunn commented 5 years ago
calling: cmake 
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:5 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Coin" with any of
  the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "Coin" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "Coin_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If "Coin"
  provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been

CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH was empty so I added the local Coin prefix:

cmake  pkgconfig

still not finding coin4

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

OK, I think what you need to do here is ensure that list is not empty:

  `         for var in coin_vars + soqt_vars + [' ']:`

That's one set closer.

Checking for swig...
Checking for SWIG version...
calling: cmake 

checking for COIN via cmake
COIN_INCLUDE_DIR: /usr/local/include
COIN_LIB_DIR: /usr/local/lib64

checking for SOQT via cmake

disable soqt, because cmake couldn't find it

coin-features are not supported in this version
Preparing Inventor headers:.

=== Generating pivy/coin_wrap.cpp for coin ===

swig -w302,306,307,312,314,325,361,362,467,389,503,509,510 -c++ -python -includeall -modern -D__PIVY__ -I. -Ifake_headers -I"/usr/local/include" -Iinterfaces  -o pivy/coin_wrap.cpp interfaces/coin.i
Inventor/SbDict.h:53: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
Inventor/SbString.h:40: Error: Unable to find 'cstdarg'
Inventor/lists/SbPList.h:41: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
Inventor/lists/SbPList.h:42: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/lists/SbList.h:36: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/lists/SbList.h:37: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/elements/SoSubElement.h:51: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/misc/SoState.h:38: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/fields/SoSubField.h:39: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/SbBSPTree.h:36: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/elements/SoNormalElement.h:38: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/caches/SoCache.h:41: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/details/SoSubDetail.h:40: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/elements/SoProfileCoordinateElement.h:39: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/engines/SoSubEngine.h:36: Error: Unable to find 'cassert'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/misc/SoGLImage.h:47: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/nodes/SoExtSelection.h:39: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/SbClip.h:38: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/SbHeap.h:38: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
Inventor/SbImage.h:43: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
/usr/local/include/Inventor/SbTesselator.h:39: Error: Unable to find 'cstddef'
SWIG did not generate wrappers successfully! ** Aborting **
realthunder commented 5 years ago

Have you installed your newly compiled Coin with make install? You may want to uninstall your system coin first.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

Thanks. Good questions. I had forgotten to remove Coin3 and Coin3-devel distro pkgs. Having done that I redid the Coin4 make install just to be sure. ( You will note above that it was already installed ).

This did not change the output and the above errors.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

Above I suggested a bugfix, can you comment on that ? for var in coin_vars + soqt_vars + [' ']: It prevents the null list causing errors. Here I have used an empty string instead of a space. This gives same output, where we see it does not error on SOQT and does detect COIN. However, it goes on afterwards to say :

coin-features are not supported in this version

realthunder commented 5 years ago

I think that should be fine.

Those errors means the compiler couldn't find some standard c++ header file. That's strange. Maybe you can try the This requires you to install SoQt. Just install your system supplied one. And try

python build
J-Dunn commented 5 years ago ;)

python build

                           ~~~ HISSSSSSSSSS ~~~
                           Welcome to Pivy 0.6.5a0!

Python version...2.7.15
Checking for swig...
Checking for SWIG version...
Warning: Pivy has only been tested with the following SWIG versions: 1.3.31 1.3.33 1.3.35 1.3.40.
Checking for coin-config...
not found.

wouldn't it be best to find out why it is not finding the most important headers?

realthunder commented 5 years ago

According to this issue, the missing header is caused by some recent Coin source changes. I guess the fake header is needed by Swig parser somehow. Maybe you can manually create empty files in the fake_headers directory.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

I now have FreeCAD-master built and working. I would like to be able to test asm3 with coin4 since Fedora's packages seem badly out of date here.

realthunder commented 5 years ago

You mean you have built pivy already? And by FreeCAD-master, do you mean my LinkStage3 branch? To test asm3, you'll need to build solvespace python binding too. Checkout the instruction here.

BTW, I am about to make a new release, but still tracking a down some bugs. LinkStage3 may get frequent update these few days.

ceremcem commented 5 years ago

If you just want to try asm3 out (no special purposes on native installation), I'd recommend the VM approach:

It's not only for testing purposes, but also has many invaluable advantages for daily usage. (I'm using Asm3 regularly in this way, I've no other setup)

J-Dunn, 30 Kas 2018 Cum, 12:21 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

I now have FreeCAD-master built and working. I would like to be able to test asm3 with coin4 since Fedora's packages seem badly out of date here.

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J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pointing out the fake headers issue. I'll look into that.

However, I think the code needs some checking with error conditions. It seems code has been put in place to trap certain things being present but has only ever been run on a system where the errors are present. The code fails when they are not instead of reporting as intended.

checking for COIN via cmake

checking for SOQT via cmake
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 666, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/", line 151, in setup
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/", line 953, in run_commands
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/distutils/", line 972, in run_command
  File "", line 588, in run
  File "", line 453, in pivy_configure
  File "", line 229, in check_with_cmake
    if config_dict['SOQT_FOUND'] == 'false':
KeyError: 'SOQT_FOUND'

Also with the qmake search. When qmake is not found it crashes out with the null object error. Hacking for it to look for qmake-qt4 gets me moving but failure to find should not crash python.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

You mean you have built pivy already? And by FreeCAD-master, do you mean my LinkStage3 branch? To test asm3, you'll need to build solvespace python binding too. Checkout the instruction here.

No, I did mean FreeCAD-master. When I had problems here , I thought a good first step was to build master to ensure I had all relevant packages and I was not bugging you here for something that was not related to your changes.

I have build and installed coin4 but still struggling with pivy. I think it's the headers issue but too many distractions here. I run through it again later.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

Oh yes and this one , more untested code, it seems. I commented out the test you said above but there is another test for 'SOQT_FOUND' which seems to produce a runtime error instead of reporting SoQt not found.

  File "", line 453, in pivy_configure

  File "", line 229, in check_with_cmake
    if config_dict['SOQT_FOUND'] == 'false':
KeyError: 'SOQT_FOUND'
realthunder commented 5 years ago

You should be able to compile my branch. Pivy is not need during compile time. It is needed in runtime by Draft workbench, and maybe others.

And you can also report the pivy issue to its own repo as well.

J-Dunn commented 5 years ago

You should be able to compile my branch. Pivy is not need during compile time. It is needed in runtime by Draft workbench, and maybe others.

And you can also report the pivy issue to its own repo as well.

OK, I finally got pivy to build on Fedora. It reqd, three changes:

add missing zero length files in fake_headers: touch cstddef cstdarg cassert export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/cmake/Coin-4.0. hack pivy-master/ to search for 'qmake-qt4' instead of 'qmake'

The latter is obviously distro specific hack, so needs a more general solution. Above all the result needs to be tested for the function failing and returning a null result which causes some messy fallout when the assumed result is dereferenced, rather than a clear error msg.

CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH probably needs to be added in case it already has a value, so all this is just for the record, not a proper solution.

So now I can get back to asm3 and linkStage3 ....