realworldocaml / book

V2 of Real World OCaml
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New comment on block [block-idp10855088] #1771

Closed edwintorok closed 11 years ago

edwintorok commented 11 years ago

There are libraries that can help with unicode: uutf, uucd, uunf, and Camomile.

bactrian commented 11 years ago

This comment references this from milestone beta1:


As specified by JSON, we also handle Unicode code points, '\\' 'u' hex hex hex hex. Ocaml doesn't have any built-in handling for Unicode, so in this case we choose to represent the code point in UTF-8. We define the following function for adding the UTF-8 encoding to the buffer.
avsm commented 11 years ago

dup of #1910, will resolve it there