realworldocaml / book

V2 of Real World OCaml
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Broken syntax highlighting #2960

Open anuragsoni opened 6 years ago

anuragsoni commented 6 years ago


The syntax highlighting seems to be broken on some chapters. So far i've seen it on the chapter about menhir and the chapter about handling json data.

Chapter about handling json data

screen shot 2018-05-27 at 6 57 36 pm

Chapter about Menhir

screen shot 2018-05-27 at 6 55 37 pm
yminsky commented 6 years ago

That is deeply odd. @samoht any idea why the syntax highlighting would be cutting in and out like that?

anuragsoni commented 6 years ago

Not sure if it helps, but the browser was the latest stable Google Chrome.

ulugbekna commented 5 years ago

I think this problem persists as of today. I initially thought this was a problem on my end but got a confirmation that another person had it too.


yminsky commented 5 years ago

Agreed. I can confirm that the json chapter is broken as per the original issue. @samoht, can you take a look?