Closed xzhub closed 6 years ago
I've tried minikube v0.23.0 and v0.28.2; kubectl 1.8, 1.9.4 etc; and reana-cluster 0.2.0, 0.3.0 and latest yaml file. Seems none of them works. Could any of you tell me a tested working version that I can run this example? Thanks.
Use minikube v0.23 to start a v1.6.4 k8s env, then use python 2.7 virtualenv to install reana-cluster fixed the issue. Previous I was using v1.94 k8s env and python 3.
Here is the log
#install minikube/kubectl
curl -Lo minikube
chmod +x minikube
sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
#start k8s v1.6.4 (this is important)
minikube start --kubernetes-version=“v1.6.4”
#install reana cluster (make sure to use python2)
virtualenv p2-reana-cluster -p python27
source p2-reana-cluster/bin/activate
pip install reana-cluster
pip install reana-client
#start the reana cluster
reana-cluster init
reana-cluster status
#run one analysis
git clone
cd reana-demo-helloworld/
eval $(reana-cluster env)
export REANA_WORKON=$(reana-client workflow create -f reana-cwl.yaml)
reana-client code upload ./code/
reana-client inputs upload ./inputs/names.txt
reana-client workflow start
reana-client workflow status
reana-client outputs list
reana-client outputs download greetings.txt
File greetings.txt downloaded to ./outputs/
$ cat ./outputs/greetings.txt
Hello John Doe!
Hello Jane Doe!
@xzhub Indeed REANA v0.2.0 requires an older version of minikube/kubectl tools (0.23/1.6), while the REANA master
branch -- i.e. the bleeding-edge version that will be released as v0.3.0 later once we stabilise the new APIs -- will run with basically current versions of minikube/kubectl tools (0.28/1.10).
Hi, I am testing reana with minicube, however, the hello world demo is never finished, it always tells me it is running:
what should I do for troubleshooting?