reaper-oss / sws

The SWS extension is a collection of features that seamlessly integrate into REAPER, the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software by Cockos, Inc
MIT License
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an action to remove the prefix and suffix added with the related sws commands on selected tracks #151

Open Jeff0S opened 10 years ago

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on May 17, 2010 13:10:31

If this is possible it will allow cool things like using a prefix to make it so we can hide tracks by adding a "search and hide" custom action to my normal actions that hides tracks with this prefix. If we had a action to remove them as well then it would easily be undo-able :)

Original issue:

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 04, 2010 15:26:24

This is the only other bump I'll do tonight I promise! ;)

The extension already has the beginnings of this in the sws rename action as it can remove certain things like extensions but if you managed to make it be able to search for certain words and then remove (or even replace them) then it would make a lot of people happy :) and if it could also work for tracks or items then even better. :)

A very powerful feature this could be!

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From swstim on September 04, 2010 15:55:48

Ok, I'll take this one :)

Really should have a search/replace dialog with regex capability, and can replace text in track names, item names, marker text. (Am I missing anything?)

Status: Accepted
Owner: swstim

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 04, 2010 16:02:50

Yes, regex would totally rock!

Are you missing something? Naming source files, perhaps? Regions? I think that's it.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 04, 2010 16:03:57

WOOHOO!!! :)

don't think your missing anything, maybe item notes.. JOKING! ;)

..unless your feeling sadistic!

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 04, 2010 16:17:37

I'm guessing that the new "find" window might be a good place for this but my only worry/desire is that you might be able to somehow incorporate a similar thing to what you have with reaconsole where you can add "find and replace" command lines to a text file for them to become actions.

The reason for this is a quick way to say select a few tracks and remove a suffix like "archived" in one custom action.

One other cool thing is perhaps an ability to remove all characters "after" or "before" a certain searched word. The reasoning behind this is I sometimes use sounds from places like freesound that have long alphanumerically codes on the end of them, being able to search for say "footstep" and then remove all characters before or after the word "footstep" would be indeed powerful but might be way too tricky :)

it would still REALLY rock to be able to have this feature in any form, being able to remove those pesky bits you get when importing audio from certain other DAWS would be lovely.

Will rustle up a donation at some point soon too!

all the best! (especially with the new little one) ;)

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From swstim on September 04, 2010 17:36:04

One other cool thing is perhaps an ability to remove all characters "after" or "before" a certain searched word.

Yeah with RegEx that's easy. It's a bit tricky but really powerful. I'll have a "simple" mode too.

And I'll integrate it into ReaConsole as well so you can have the custom actions.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 04, 2010 17:57:30


Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 05, 2010 03:35:05

ReaConsole (and its custom actions) will be great for this! For the record: on my side, I already had in mind a "replace" feature for the new "Find" view, so with the same scopes: item notes, track note, media files.. So I'll watch this before stepping on any toes!

also, somehow related: issue 156 .

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From swstim on September 05, 2010 20:42:28

Ah ha! Jeffos, you sly dog.

Would you like me to leave the Find/Replace to you then? (As you already have half of it) and then if you would kindly leave me an API function to call:

int SnM_FindReplace(const char* find, const char* replace, int wheretosearch); // returns # of replaced strings

wheretosearch would be an integer, 0 for tracks, 1 for items, 2 for notes, etc. (I'm simplifying of course)

If you agree, you can change ownership to yourself and I'll wait for you, otherwise I'll take this on (in time).

Cc: jeffos277

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 07, 2010 15:27:32

No! I look forward to a ReaConsole solution! I just thought to it 'cause "Find" => "Replace". Go on it, Tim! and the "int SnM_FindReplace()" looks more than do-able ;-)

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on September 11, 2010 15:41:23

Another idea for this search function (inspired by the original find utility) would be an additional tick box for zooming to found items.

So if you search for certain items then press the find button it will zoom to fit all of these found items on the screen (like the original did), you could even do this with track find using the zoom tracks/minimise others.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on October 17, 2010 08:53:49

Just re-reading this and hoping that you guys have sorted out who is taking it on now as it will rock! :)

If it was part of the new find window then it could do tracks, items, markers etc but maybe only tracks if it was reaconsole right?

anyway, can't wait to see it hit the light! :)

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on January 11, 2011 00:36:21

Just checking in to see if this is still on the cards at some point? :) I only ask as I have a project that may need it soon! :) lol

Looking forward to testing autorender too, count me in!

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on February 12, 2014 10:10:18

Hi Guys, I'm honestly not asking for this to be done still. I know you all have loads of other things to do (outside of sws too) and this is probably nowhere near the top of the list but wanted to suggest and ask if you have used this software below as if it has a way into it, I wondered if it could be made to do the replace and renaming it does so well within a reaper project for item's and tracks if they also have this installed? :)

Could be an easier way of doing it perhaps?

Anyway, keep up the good work! :)