reaper-oss / sws

The SWS extension is a collection of features that seamlessly integrate into REAPER, the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software by Cockos, Inc
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Track Controls and Items "Jump Away" From Mouse #557

Closed Jeff0S closed 10 years ago

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on March 23, 2013 21:39:54

Problem began when SWS Extensions were added to REAPER.

Track panels, volume/pan controls, and items "jump away" when selected by mouse pointer, causing mis-adjustments or unintentional movement of controls or items. Problem is alleviated by removing all extensions from REAPER.

SWS REAPER 4.31, 32 bit on Win XP.

Original issue:

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on March 24, 2013 05:42:36

dang! thanks for the report but I can't reproduce et can't see anything related updates in v2.3.0.13 :/ humm... this might be due to some options (?), please can you attached your full config here: Action list > "File: export configuration" => tick everything in the displayed window => save That would help a lot, thanks in advance!

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on March 24, 2013 18:39:37

Hey Jeffos!

Thanks for your help looking into this. Strange problem, but I hope to solve it because the "create tempo from markers" extension (to mention only one) is really useful and cool. Attached is the Config File (hope it's the right thing). Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

Thanks again, Joe

Attachment: REAPER Config File 1.ReaperConfigZip

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 20, 2013 20:35:11

This is happening to me too.

I have 2 PC's both on XP and reaper 4.33. Both PC's use the default theme with modified colors. One PC does not exhibit the problem. When I remove the SWS extension the problem goes away.

I can repro the problem with both sws#14 and sws#16.

I suspect I first experienced this about 27 Feb 2013 if that helps. It's makes things very difficult. Clicking on any TCP control the mouse cursor tends to fly off the targeted control and apply the click to another part of the tcp. Creates all kinds of havoc.

Hope this helps.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 21, 2013 02:37:15

Sorry for the trouble! I used the .ReaperConfigZip posted above (thanks BTW!) but I still can't repro on Win XP or OSX here..

Some Qs for both of you guys:

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 22, 2013 18:02:33

These options have not made any difference. Sorry.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 23, 2013 06:42:10

Ok... Bummer!

Guys, I agree that the "fix" (removing the extension) seems to prove the contrary but I'll be honnest.. I could be wrong, I've seen a lot of weird stuff as a software engineer but I don't believe too much this one a SWS issue: no SWS code could explain such a weird behavior.

FYI, I just recently fixed some weird mouse behaviors on XP SP1 too: things were really broken, I do not asked myself much questions.. I did a "Windows update", downloaded/installed the patches and everything was fixed!

This occured very recently (last month otr the month before?). The bugs were severe: some sorts of "stuck mouse" bugs, drag-drop totally broken, I mean everywhere, in all applications, etc.. I even changed my mouse before realising it was an XP bug :/

=> So please, can you make sure your XP PC is up to date and report back?

Also, if this issue persists after the Win update, and as we can't repro here, can you provide as much details as possible, for ex:

Oh! And one recent things you can try to disable too: main menu > extensions > about SWS => untick all "check for new versions" options? does it fix it?

Status: Investigating

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 23, 2013 06:58:04

^^ sorry I meant: "I just recently fixed some weird mouse behaviors on XP >> SP3 << too"

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 23, 2013 07:00:32

XP SP3. I'll work through other stuff over time. Thanks.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 23, 2013 07:02:17

Can also add right away .. PC is not connected to any network.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 23, 2013 07:05:40

Sorry to jump in, but network or no network, if option is turned on it will trigger check procedure, so try to disable it anyway :D

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 23, 2013 23:04:30

New Reaper user, lifelong musician and computer repair shop owner.

It's common to assign bad behavior to the app in which it occurs. In this case, removing the extensions to alleviate the problem backs that up.

May I suggest looking to the mouse driver itself. If brand name mouse, check for new drivers then uninstall/reinstall.

I see/diagnose infected computers all day long. AV progs don't work and today's viri love to inject into drivers and system files. Scan for a rootkit using GMER ( Rootkits reprogram the OS to make standard AV detection impossible.

If it's a rookit - backup/zero-fill HD/reload. Hope its the mouse driver, though.

Good luck, Tom

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 23, 2013 23:40:12

  • Sorry to jump in, but network or no network, if option is turned on it will trigger check procedure, so try to disable it anyway :D

Yup, will do that. Was just putting it on the table.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From swstim on April 24, 2013 05:35:37

Does anyone have a video / Licecap of this problem?

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 09:05:42

-> Does anyone have a video / Licecap of this problem?

Here's one. In this case, I select all tracks and then select track layout of minimal. I select the items in the second last track and then select the item in the last track. The item flies away.

Now it will be stable until I rock the boat again. I have found a few ways to do this. Selecting all tracks and minimizing sometimes works. Creating a folder. Basically somehow changing the track layout can destabilize it. It doesn't happen with all projects that I can see. But I have a few projects where I can make this happen.

Thanks everybody.

Attachment: CursorJump.gif

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 09:20:57

Hi Guys,

Regarding the animation above (thanks for posting!), this is the same behavior I'm getting. In my case, most annoying is that the track controls--volume, pan, mute, solo--jump away and result in unintended changes.

Will try to get some time to test the disabled settings suggested previously. I have REAPER on two different computers, a tower and a laptop. My hunch is it's not a mouse problem because the laptop has an integrated touchpad and the jumping problem exists there as well. . . .

Thanks, Joe

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 09:50:20

Thanks for the anim! When it happens, what is the (exact) undo point name you can see in main menu > edit ?

My hunch is it's not a mouse problem because the laptop has an integrated touchpad and the jumping problem exists there as well... The issue I faced was global: I was able to repro with a trackpad. Given the anim, I think we can abondon this possibility, but this issue is simple to confirm: if drag-drop is broken for all apps => windows update (to do before rootkit tracking, etc..)

Also, yes, please try to disable all said options.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 10:06:38

  • Thanks for the anim! When it happens, what is the (exact) undo point name you can see in main menu > edit ?

Move Media Items is the undo point name

And I have by the way disabled all options as suggested. Also I'm also now on another PC entirely and I can do it here just as well.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 12:18:22

Okay, revision to my last post: I was mistaken about having the same problem on my laptop--the jumping does not occur consistently. On the laptop, it happens only once, on the first mouse-click after loading a new project, and then no more after that. If I close the current project and load a new one, it happens again only on the first mouse-click and then no more. As an experiment, I connected my trackball (Kensington Orbit) to the laptop with same results.

Tried suggestions for disabling SWS options on the tower to no avail. Both tower and laptop are XP SP2.

So the problem is only happening consistently on one computer. . . .


Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 12:39:15

Thanks for the inputs guys (and for hanging on!!). do you still reproduce with this test build : ?

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 18:24:36

._ Can still repro with new build.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 18:38:48

This is ridiculous. I can repro this problem on Reaper 4.11 with sws 2.1.0. This is not new whatever it is. If I take out SWS I can't repro the problem eve with Reaper 4.11.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:06:22

Here is perhaps another clue. Reaper 4.33 rc2 SWS 2.3.0 #16 I open the project as last saved. The last track is selected. I select the second last track and it jumps away. Again if I remove SWS I cant make this happen. This is straight from opening the project. I also deleted the ini files for sws.

Attachment: TrackJump.gif

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:12:14

Have also deleted screensets.ini

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:19:12

Shoot in the the dark: instead of deleting specific .ini files - maybe you could try to reproduce with a clean, portable installation of both Reaper and SWS?

If nothing, at least your specific settings could be taken out of the equation.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:27:03

Reaper\Preferences\Appearance\Show Last Undo Point In Menu Bar. I can turn the problem on and off with this switch.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:31:55

<<Shoot in the the dark: instead of deleting specific .ini files - maybe you could try to reproduce with a clean, portable installation of both Reaper and SWS?

If nothing, at least your specific settings could be taken out of the equation.>>

Yes, I can repro the problem with a clean portable install of Reaper and SWS.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:35:12

If undo point shown in the menu bar is too long to fit in there with the rest of the stuff - menu bar will get it's height resized so it can fit in the next row, pushing everything beneath it

So if it's true that you can completely alleviate the problem by disabling "Show Last Undo Point In Menu Bar" it's actually a Reaper bug/fr (hard to differentiate in this case, lol)

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From swstim on April 24, 2013 19:35:41

AH HA! You've figured it out.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:49:22

<<- Try this - Using the customize menu window, change the text of "Extensions" to "E" using the Retitle button. Does that make the problem go away?>>

Yes it does go away .. :) You guys have it. That's what must be happening. I'll just rename my extension menu and life is peachy. Thanks so much for hanging in there with me.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 24, 2013 19:59:40

Just one thing, while renaming the menu does make it much better, the problem still occurs in certain cases. It's going to take a bit more than just renaming the menu I think. For now my workaround is to switch the option off.

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 25, 2013 12:44:36

Ah ha! Yep, turning off "Show last undo point" solves the problem for me too.

On my laptop, the first click resizes the menu bar to fit the title of the undo point, but then, due to the aspect ratio of the screen, the display REMAINS at two spaces and never resizes. That's why I only got the problem on the first mouse-click there. But in the case of my tower, the menu bar will keep resizing from one to two spaces with every other mouse-click.

Good work friends! Many thanks for all your effort and help! Glad it's fixed--love REAPER and the SWS Extensions!


Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From on April 25, 2013 18:29:56

I logged it here

Jeff0S commented 10 years ago

From swstim on April 25, 2013 18:32:04

I'm glad this one is resolved!

Status: NoChanges