reaper7 / SDM_Energy_Meter

reading SDM72 SDM120 SDM220 SDM230 SDM630 modbus energy meters from arduino (esp8266, esp32, avr)
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Question about what RS485 converter to use #67

Closed panbak closed 2 years ago

panbak commented 2 years ago

Hello and thank you for your work. It is unclear for me what module I should use to make this work. Is any of the modules shown to links bellow compatible to use with your library for my ESP32 project?

TTL to RS-485

UART Serial Port to RS485

Thank you and sorry if my question is irrelevant with the library.

reaper7 commented 2 years ago

Hi! The second module on your list looks similar to mine, according to the description, it has automatic flow control... so it can be connected with four wires(+,-.TX,RX), the first module requires five wires (+,-.TX,RX,FLOWCONTROL).

The second module also has two LEDs, helpful in diagnostics.

...but the decision is yours :)

panbak commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the fast reply!

I know this is not stack overflow but could validate that my code looks good? I have set the correct baud rate for the ddm18sd power meter (in SDM_Config_User.h) and the slave id is 9. I am currently using the module with no automatic flow control and I control the flow from GPIO4.

#include <SDM.h>                                                                

SDM sdm(Serial1, SDM_UART_BAUD, 4, SERIAL_8N1, SDM_RX_PIN, SDM_TX_PIN);                                                                          //for SWSERIAL

void setup() {

void loop() {
  char bufout[10];
  sprintf(bufout, "%c[1;0H", 27);

  Serial.print("Voltage:   ");
  Serial.print(sdm.readVal(DDM_PHASE_1_VOLTAGE, 0x09), 2);                            //display voltage

  Serial.print("Current:   ");
  Serial.print(sdm.readVal(DDM_PHASE_1_CURRENT, 0x09), 2);                            //display current

  Serial.print("Power:     ");
  Serial.print(sdm.readVal(DDM_PHASE_1_POWER, 0x09), 2);                              //display power

  Serial.print("Frequency: ");
  Serial.print(sdm.readVal(DDM_FREQUENCY, 0x09), 2);                                  //display frequency

  delay(1000);                                                                  //wait a while before next loop
reaper7 commented 2 years ago

looks good... remember to uncomment this line: